86R9234 BK-D
  By: Craddick H.R. No. 136
         WHEREAS, Proud members of the Lamesa Area Chamber of Commerce
  are gathering to celebrate the organization's 100th anniversary at
  its annual banquet on February 7, 2019; and
         WHEREAS, The chamber serves a small-town community situated
  in the heart of Dawson County, halfway between Dallas and El Paso,
  with a population just shy of 10,000; its members are dedicated to
  supporting growth and economic development in the area while
  enhancing the quality of life for their fellow residents; and
         WHEREAS, Over the years, the chamber has contributed to the
  vibrancy of the community through its sponsorship of numerous
  activities and events; these include the annual Chicken Fried Steak
  Festival, which honors Lamesa's status as the "Home of the Chicken
  Fried Steak," as well as much-anticipated Independence Day and
  Christmas celebrations and youth basketball tournaments; and
         WHEREAS, While serving as an invaluable resource to local
  business leaders, the Lamesa Area Chamber of Commerce has also
  played a major role in shaping the development of its community, and
  it is indeed deserving of recognition as it marks this special
  milestone; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Lamesa Area Chamber of Commerce
  on its centennial and extend to its members sincere best wishes for
  continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the chamber as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.