86R8849 BK-D
  By: Price H.R. No. 137
         WHEREAS, Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month is an
  international campaign held in September to help call attention to
  this serious disease and to rally support for the search for a cure;
         WHEREAS, Pulmonary fibrosis refers to scarring of the lungs,
  which over time can destroy lung tissue and lead to deteriorated
  respiratory function; according to some estimates, the disease
  affects 1 out of every 200 American adults over the age of 60, and
  approximately 50,000 new cases are diagnosed each year; and
         WHEREAS, Researchers have identified a multitude of causes of
  pulmonary fibrosis, including certain medications, radiation,
  autoimmune diseases, environmental triggers, and exposure to
  hazardous materials such as asbestos, silica, and coal dust; often,
  the exact cause is difficult to determine, and most patients go on
  to be diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, or pulmonary
  fibrosis of unknown origin; and
         WHEREAS, As the disease worsens, patients experience
  shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue, and other symptoms, which
  may develop rapidly in some cases and progress more slowly over a
  period of months or years in others; the lung damage caused by
  pulmonary fibrosis cannot be reversed, but medications and
  therapies can sometimes help ease symptoms and improve quality of
  life; if symptoms are severe, sufferers may be candidates for a lung
  transplant; and
         WHEREAS, Public awareness plays an important role in
  promoting research for pulmonary fibrosis and ensuring that every
  patient receives a timely and accurate diagnosis, and Pulmonary
  Fibrosis Awareness Month provides an opportunity for patients,
  families, and advocates around the world to join together to help
  make these goals a reality; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize September 2019 as Pulmonary Fibrosis
  Awareness Month and encourage all Texans to learn more about this
  critical health issue.