86R8587 BK-D
  By: White H.R. No. 141
         WHEREAS, 9-1-1 is nationally recognized as the number to call
  during an emergency, and our statewide 9-1-1 service relies on the
  efforts of countless dedicated and hardworking operators and other
  professionals; and
         WHEREAS, The State of Texas is home to more than 500 public
  safety call centers, where trained operators respond to urgent
  calls for police, fire, and emergency medical services and dispatch
  appropriate assistance as quickly as possible; and
         WHEREAS, Public safety telecommunicators are the vital link
  between citizens in need and the agencies that can render aid; these
  invaluable professionals are called on to accurately and
  efficiently answer emergency requests that may come at any hour of
  the day or night, and they frequently must have the skill and
  composure to perform their duties under considerable pressure; and
         WHEREAS, New and emerging technology is necessary to ensure
  that our state's 9-1-1 service is able to consistently meet the
  expectations of our citizens; the Texas chapter of the National
  Emergency Number Association, which represents the
  telecommunicators, directors, planning professionals, and industry
  service providers that are part of this system, is a leader in
  promoting research, training, and education as well as fostering
  the development and accessibility of 9-1-1 services; and
         WHEREAS, Texans are deeply indebted to the individuals who
  serve as the first point of access in the event of an emergency, and
  9-1-1 Day provides a fitting opportunity to raise awareness of our
  9-1-1 service and the importance of modernizing this system to keep
  pace with the needs of residents; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 4, 2019, as 9-1-1 Day at the
  State Capitol and commend members of the Texas chapter of the
  National Emergency Number Association and other 9-1-1
  telecommunicators for their invaluable contributions.