WHEREAS, Many Asian American residents of the Lone Star State |
are celebrating the joyous occasion of the Lunar New Year on |
February 5, 2019; and |
WHEREAS, This special holiday marks the commencement of the |
Year of the Pig and ushers in the spring season, a new beginning, |
when the Asian community reflects on the past and makes plans for |
the future; and |
WHEREAS, The pig is considered a symbol of wealth and good |
fortune; many in the Asian community believe that the Year of the |
Pig will be a time of prosperity and joy; and |
WHEREAS, The Lunar New Year, known as Tet in the Vietnamese |
community and as the Spring Festival in the Chinese community, |
begins on the first day of the first lunar month of the year; the |
exact date changes annually, falling between the end of January and |
the middle of February, but the festive spirit of the season remains |
constant; and |
WHEREAS, The eve of the holiday's three-day festival is spent |
cleaning houses, visiting ancestral graves, and preparing a |
ceremonial meal; the Lunar New Year traditionally serves as a time |
to reunite with family members, renew special friendships, and |
remember past experiences, in preparation for good things to come; |
and |
WHEREAS, The Asian community plays a vital role in the |
business, professional, and cultural life of Texas, and the Lunar |
New Year provides a fitting opportunity to recognize these fine |
citizens and to celebrate our common goals of peace and harmony for |
all humanity; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas |
Legislature hereby commemorate the Lunar New Year on February 5, |
2019, and extend to all who are celebrating the holiday sincere best |
wishes for health and happiness in the coming year. |