86R9223 BK-D
  By: Wray H.R. No. 186
         WHEREAS, The life of a respected innovator in the petroleum
  industry drew to a close with the passing of J. G. Savins on January
  11, 2019, at the age of 93; and
         WHEREAS, The son of an army serviceman, George Savins was
  born on August 15, 1925, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, to Sergeant George
  Francis Savins and Herlinda Savins; as a teenager, he was forced to
  evacuate from Oahu, Hawaii, as World War II reached the island and
  the Battle of Midway loomed, and he went on to join the fight
  himself following his graduation from Martin High School in Laredo
  in 1943; he served as a member of the 658th Field Artillery
  Battalion in Germany and England, and after returning home, he
  earned his bachelor's degree in chemistry from Texas A&M
  University; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Savins went to work as a junior chemist at
  Magnolia Petroleum Company's Field Research Laboratory in
  Duncanville in 1949, and a year later, he married his college
  sweetheart, Jeannette Hastings; the couple shared nearly 55 years
  of marriage until her passing, and they were blessed with 7 sons,
  George, Michael, James, Matthew, Richard, Tim, and Eric, along with
  19 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, During the Korean War, Mr. Savins joined the local
  U.S. Army Reserve unit of the Chemical Corps along with other Field
  Research Laboratory chemists and engineers, and he was commissioned
  a second lieutenant; over the course of his career at home, he made
  numerous contributions to the development and improvement of
  drilling technologies, particularly with regard to the enhancement
  of drilling fluids used in oil exploration; his diverse research
  interests led to his receiving 12 international and 31 U.S. patents
  and producing 36 publications, and he also organized and co-chaired
  symposia, conferences, and sessions on a variety of petroleum
  engineering topics; and
         WHEREAS, After retiring from Mobil Research and Development
  in 1985, Mr. Savins worked as a research associate for The
  University of Texas Balcones Research Center, and he later served
  as a technical consultant to the R&E Group at NL Baroid in Houston;
  in 2010, he was inducted by the American Association of Drilling
  Engineers into its Drilling Fluids Hall of Fame; and
         WHEREAS, George Savins was a man of uncommon intellect and
  ingenuity, and he leaves behind a record of achievement that his
  loved ones can remember with pride; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of J. G. Savins and
  extend sincere sympathy to his family and friends; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of J. G.