86R10713 SME-D
  By: Cyrier H.R. No. 289
         WHEREAS, The Real Estate Councils of Texas is a statewide
  coalition that was organized to promote the role of commercial and
  industrial real estate development within the state's economy; and
         WHEREAS, Recognizing a need for statewide representation,
  real estate professionals from across Texas formed the consortium
  in 2008 to educate the public on issues that affect the industry and
  to advocate on its behalf; the group is composed of the Real Estate
  Councils of Austin, Dallas, Greater Fort Worth, and San Antonio, as
  well as the Houston Real Estate Council; the Real Estate Councils of
  Texas represents the state's major markets, and its mission is to
  serve as the unified voice of the real estate development industry
  of Texas and to establish a statewide economic footprint; and
         WHEREAS, By working together, the members of the Real Estate
  Councils of Texas hope to ensure that the public becomes aware of
  the significant impact the industry has on the state's economy;
  commercial real estate development generates approximately $3.8
  billion in state tax revenue and more than $270 billion in total
  economic activity; furthermore, the industry employs over 500,000
  Texans and is the second-largest industry in the state; and
         WHEREAS, The well-being of Texas residents depends on
  economic prosperity throughout the state, and organizations such as
  the Real Estate Councils of Texas are working to keep Texas moving
  forward on its path to a bright future; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Real Estate Councils of Texas and
  extend to all those associated with the organization sincere best
  wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Real Estate Councils of Texas as an expression of
  high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.