WHEREAS, Dr. Suzanne J. Nelson retired as superintendent of |
the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District on June 30, 2018, |
after nearly a quarter century of service to that district; and |
WHEREAS, Sue Nelson began her career in Edmond, Oklahoma, |
initially working as a teacher and later becoming a middle and high |
school principal; she joined Tuloso-Midway ISD in 1984, and after |
two years as director of elementary and secondary education, she |
was promoted to district superintendent; though she retired in |
1998, she went on to serve as superintendent of Eagle Pass ISD and |
then once again took charge of the Tuloso-Midway district for a |
brief tenure beginning in 2005; after guiding George West ISD, she |
returned to Tuloso-Midway for her third tenure as superintendent in |
2010; and |
WHEREAS, During her years with TMISD, Dr. Nelson led the |
district in increasing the diversity of the administrative team and |
professional staff, achieving top ratings from the School Financial |
Integrity Rating System of Texas, and securing the passage of a $36 |
million bond package; she was also instrumental in the district's |
1994 transition to a year-round school calendar; in recognition of |
her many contributions, she was named the 2016 Superintendent of |
the Year for Education Service Center Region 2, and the performing |
arts center at Tuloso-Midway High School was named in her honor in |
2014; and |
WHEREAS, A native of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Dr. Nelson |
holds a bachelor's degree in education, a master's degree in |
counseling, and a doctorate in school administration from the |
University of Oklahoma, and she was inducted into the OU Education |
Hall of Fame in 2018; and |
WHEREAS, Through her dedication, professionalism, and |
commitment to excellence, Sue Nelson has helped many young Texans |
acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed, and she may |
indeed reflect with pride on a career well spent as she embarks on |
the next exciting chapter of her life; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Dr. Suzanne J. Nelson on her |
retirement as superintendent of the Tuloso-Midway Independent |
School District and extend to her sincere best wishes for the |
future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Dr. Nelson as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |
Herrero |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 341 was adopted by the House on March |
13, 2019, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |