86R10286 JGH-D
  By: Bonnen of Brazoria H.R. No. 366
         WHEREAS, Brazosport College is celebrating its 50th
  anniversary during the 2018-2019 school year, and this is a fitting
  opportunity to take note of its outstanding record of service to the
  students of southern Brazoria County; and
         WHEREAS, Originally known as Brazosport Junior College, the
  school enrolled its first 879 students in the fall of 1968, and it
  graduated its inaugural class in 1970, when the name was changed to
  Brazosport College; this venerable institution has benefited from
  the leadership of four presidents, including Dr. J. R. Jackson,
  Dr. W. A. Bass, Dr. John R. Grable, and the current president,
  Dr. Millicent Valek, who has served since 1996; and
         WHEREAS, Situated on a spacious 156-acre campus in Lake
  Jackson, Brazosport College has undergone an impressive period of
  growth over the past two decades; in 2002, the Corporate Learning
  Center and the Bill and Julia May Children's Center were built, and
  in 2005, The Clarion music venue was added; in recent years, the
  school has seen the construction of the BASF Center for Process
  Technology, the Byron and Sandra Sadler Health Professions/Science
  Complex, the Dow Academic Center, and a new student pavilion;
  moreover, the BCPC Welding Technologies Lab and the Freeport LNG
  Crafts Academy were dedicated in 2016; and
         WHEREAS, Brazosport College received accreditation as a
  baccalaureate-level institution in 2004, and it offers four-year
  programs in industrial and health services management, along with
  two-year degree and certification programs for a wide variety of
  careers; its 300 faculty serve the educational needs of 4,000
  degree students each semester and 4,000 continuing education
  students each year, as well as 20,000 participants in business and
  industry training; and
         WHEREAS, The Brazosport College Foundation has done
  outstanding work raising funds for the college, including $5.6
  million for the Building a Legacy Campaign in 2002, $5.5 million
  with the Your College Capital Campaign in 2008, and $3 million with
  the Crafts Academy Capital Campaign in 2015; in 2013 and 2015, the
  college was named a Top 10 Community College in the nation by the
  Aspen Institute, and in 2010, 2013, and 2016, the school was
  certified as a Leader College by Achieving the Dream; and
         WHEREAS, For half a century, Brazosport College has remained
  committed to meeting the educational needs of its students, and the
  school has played a vital role in helping many Texans build a bright
  and prosperous future for themselves; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Brazosport College on its 50th
  anniversary and extend to all those associated with the college
  sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Brazosport College as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.