H.R. No. 397
         WHEREAS, Residents of Mansfield are visiting Austin on
  February 20, 2019, to celebrate Mansfield Day at the State Capitol;
         WHEREAS, Located in the Cross Timber country of North Central
  Texas, the settlement was first established by pioneers in the
  1840s; in the late 1850s, R. S. Man and Julian Feild built a
  gristmill at the crossroads that later became the center of the
  town, which was named for the two men; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Feild soon added a general store across the
  street from the mill, and he became postmaster in 1860; though
  incorporated in 1909, the town remained a farming community until
  the suburban expansion of the Dallas/Fort Worth area brought a
  population upsurge; and
         WHEREAS, Today, residents can enjoy 240 acres of parks and a
  quality of life reflected in Mansfield's multiple appearances on
  Money magazine's yearly list of the top places to live in the United
  States; and
         WHEREAS, Celebrating their achievements as they embrace the
  opportunities of the future, the citizens of Mansfield are
  justifiably proud of the place they call home, and it is indeed
  fitting to honor them and their unique contributions to the story of
  the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 20, 2019, as Mansfield Day at
  the State Capitol and extend to members of the visiting delegation
  sincere best wishes for a meaningful and memorable stay in Austin.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 397 was adopted by the House on
  February 20, 2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House