86R14579 BK-D
  By: Davis of Dallas H.R. No. 512
         WHEREAS, Dorothy L. Stoker-Starks of Dallas passed away on
  February 15, 2019, drawing to a close a life that was made rich
  through meaningful service to others; and
         WHEREAS, A native of Harleton, Mrs. Starks enjoyed a
  rewarding and accomplished 48-year career with the Veterans
  Administration North Texas Health Care System in Dallas before her
  retirement in 2017; she worked as a certified surgical technologist
  and was especially well regarded for her expertise at performing
  specialized services for neuro and plastic surgeries; among other
  honors, she was the recipient of the hospital's Daisy Ambassador
  award for excellence in nursing in 2014; and
         WHEREAS, Active in her profession, Mrs. Starks was a past
  board member of the Texas State Assembly for Surgical
  Technologists, and she played a key role in establishing the
  Greater Dallas Chapter of the Association of Surgical
  Technologists; in July 2014, she authored an article in the AST's
  journal, The Surgical Technologist; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Starks gave generously of her time and talents
  to a host of other organizations; she was a life member of the
  National Council of Negro Women and a president of its T. Mathis
  Hawkins Section, and she organized educational events while serving
  as president of the Greater Dallas Area Sisterhood Branch of the
  Missionary Baptist General Convention of Texas; she was also a
  member of Top Ladies of Distinction, the Daughters of the Elks, and
  myriad faith-based groups; and
         WHEREAS, A valued congregant of the Alta Mesa Park Baptist
  Church, Mrs. Starks supported the church's ministries to feed and
  clothe the needy; she was also involved in the Nursing Guild and its
  annual health fair, where she was instrumental in creating a blood
  pressure information booth; moreover, she volunteered at the Martin
  Luther King Center to help provide meals to homeless and other less
  fortunate residents, visited nursing home residents, and held
  fund-raisers for deserving area students; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Starks was devoted to her late husband, George
  Starks, and found time to assist him with his business, Starks
  Towing Service; she was the loving mother of three sons and a
  daughter, and she cherished her grandchildren and
  great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Dorothy Stoker-Starks made a positive and lasting
  difference in her community through her tireless endeavors in
  behalf of veterans and other citizens in need, and though she will
  be greatly missed, she leaves behind a legacy that will continue to
  inspire all who were blessed to know her; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Dorothy
  L. Stoker-Starks and extend deepest sympathy to her relatives and
  friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Dorothy
  L. Stoker-Starks.