H.R. No. 653
         WHEREAS, A rich and purposeful life drew to a close with the
  death of Charles N. Avery III of Round Rock on August 14, 2018, at
  the age of 75; and
         WHEREAS, Charles Avery was born in Austin on November 28,
  1942, to Charles Avery Jr. and Lucille Sharp Avery, and he grew up
  with three siblings, John, Nelson, and Christina; after graduating
  from Austin High School in 1960, he attended St. Edward's
  University, where he earned a degree in marketing and finance in
  1966; and
         WHEREAS, After serving with the U.S. Army as an intelligence
  officer in Germany from 1966 to 1969, Mr. Avery embarked upon a
  successful career in banking; he was a national bank examiner until
  1977, and he served as executive vice president of United States
  National Bank from 1977 to 1980; he was president of Sugar Land
  State Bank from 1980 until 1992, and after his retirement from
  banking, he worked for a Houston construction company before
  settling in Round Rock; and
         WHEREAS, Descended from a family of prominent farmers and
  merchants in Williamson County, Mr. Avery and his siblings decided
  in 2000 to develop their family's properties around Round Rock and
  Hutto as a medical and educational hub; these lands have gone on to
  become the home of Texas State University, the Texas A&M Health
  Science Center, Austin Community College, Seton Medical Center
  Williamson, and many other important institutions; Mr. Avery
  further benefited his community as a board member for the Old
  Settlers Association of Williamson County, the Greater Round Rock
  Community Foundation, Capital IDEA, Ride on Center for Kids, and
  the Seton Williamson Development Board; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Avery shared a rewarding marriage of 52 years
  with his wife, Beth Heller Avery, and he was the proud father of a
  daughter, Marta Avery Lue; deeply devoted to their faith, Mr. and
  Mrs. Avery expressed their beliefs through their generosity and by
  participating in mission trips overseas and sponsoring foreign
  students; in 2007, they were recognized as Citizens of the Year by
  the City of Round Rock, and in 2016, they were presented with the
  Lifetime Philanthropy Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award by
  the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce; and
         WHEREAS, A loving family man, a respected professional, and a
  true community leader, Charles Avery leaves behind an admirable
  record of service that his loved ones can remember with pride; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Charles N. Avery III
  and extend heartfelt sympathy to his family and friends; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Charles N.
  Avery III.
Bonnen of Brazoria Guerra Noble
Allen Guillen Oliverson
Allison Gutierrez Ortega
Anchia Harless Pacheco
Anderson Harris Paddie
Ashby Hefner Parker
Bailes Hernandez Patterson
Beckley Herrero Paul
Bell of Kaufman Hinojosa Perez
Bell of Montgomery Holland Phelan
Bernal Howard Price
Biedermann Huberty Ramos
Blanco Hunter Raney
Bohac Israel Raymond
Bonnen of Galveston E. Johnson of Dallas Reynolds
Bowers J. Johnson of Dallas Rodriguez
Buckley Johnson of Harris Romero, Jr.
Bucy Kacal Rose
Burns King of Hemphill Rosenthal
Burrows King of Parker Sanford
Button King of Uvalde Schaefer
Cain Klick Shaheen
Calanni Krause Sheffield
Canales Kuempel Sherman, Sr.
Capriglione Lambert Shine
Clardy Landgraf Smith
Cole Lang Smithee
Coleman Larson Springer
Collier Leach Stephenson
Cortez Leman Stickland
Craddick Longoria Stucky
Cyrier Lopez Swanson
Darby Lozano Talarico
Davis of Dallas Lucio III Thierry
Davis of Harris Martinez Thompson of Brazoria
Dean Martinez Fischer Thompson of Harris
Deshotel Metcalf Tinderholt
Dominguez Meyer Toth
Dutton Meza Turner of Dallas
Farrar Middleton Turner of Tarrant
Fierro Miller VanDeaver
Flynn Minjarez Vo
Frank Moody Walle
Frullo Morales White
Geren Morrison Wilson
Gervin-Hawkins Muñoz, Jr. Wray
Goldman Murphy Wu
González of Dallas Murr Zedler
González of El Paso Neave Zerwas
Goodwin Nevárez Zwiener
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 653 was unanimously adopted by a rising
  vote of the House on March 19, 2019.
  Chief Clerk of the House