H.R. No. 682
         WHEREAS, In recent years, workers in the gig economy have
  played an ever-larger role in the prosperity of the Lone Star State;
         WHEREAS, The upsurge of digital platforms has energized the
  gig economy, which consists of on-demand jobs with a low barrier to
  entry; people with busy or unpredictable schedules can choose the
  hours when they want to accept tasks, and the flexibility allows
  some to participate in the workforce who would not be able to accept
  traditional employment; in addition, freelance work can help
  households quickly overcome a financial emergency without going
  into debt or taking on a long-term commitment; and
         WHEREAS, Acting as their own bosses, gig workers enhance
  their entrepreneurial abilities and practice the self-reliance and
  independence that are core Texan values; freelance assignments
  enable workers to experience more variety in their careers,
  exploring new interests while expanding their marketable skill
  sets; and
         WHEREAS, Freelance employment can also allow more time for
  civic engagement; in a recent study, more than 50 percent of
  freelancers reported being politically active in their
  communities, compared to only 34 percent of workers in conventional
  full-time positions; and
         WHEREAS, In 2018, the gig economy accounted for $1.3 trillion
  in national economic activity; the phenomenon is sure to gain even
  more momentum, and freelance workers may indeed take pride in their
  contributions to this flourishing sector; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor workers in the gig economy and extend to
  them sincere best wishes for continued success.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 682 was adopted by the House on May
  27, 2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House