H.R. No. 732
         WHEREAS, Our esteemed colleague, the Honorable John Raney, is
  receiving his 50th anniversary Masonic service pin in 2019; and
         WHEREAS, Representative Raney first joined the Masons in
  1969, and he has been an active member of a number of Masonic
  organizations in the Brazos Valley, including the Blue Lodge in
  Bryan and St. Alban's Lodge No. 1455 in College Station, as well as
  the Robert E. Lee Lodge No. 431 in Henderson; in addition, he
  served as District Deputy Grand Master of District 29A in 2002; and
         WHEREAS, A regular member of the Houston Scottish Rite, 33rd
  Degree, Representative Raney served as president of the Steve Cooke
  Scottish Rite Club in College Station; moreover, he is affiliated
  with the York Rite Ivanhoe Commandery in Bryan and the Arabia Temple
  in Houston; he has also served as president of the Brazos Valley
  Shrine Club; and
         WHEREAS, Representative Raney is a sixth-generation Texan
  and a graduate of Stephen F. Austin High School in Bryan and Texas
  A&M University, Class of 1969; he founded the Texas Aggieland
  Bookstore in 1969, and he has served in leadership roles with the
  Bryan-College Station Chamber of Commerce and the Republican Party
  of Brazos County; moreover, he has been an active member of First
  United Methodist Church for nearly six decades; and
         WHEREAS, Since 2011, John Raney has represented House
  District 14 in the Texas Legislature, where he has served with
  distinction as vice chair of the Higher Education Committee and as a
  member of the International Relations and Economic Development,
  Appropriations, Transportation, and House Administration
  Committees, among others; and
         WHEREAS, For the past half century, John Raney has
  exemplified the highest ideals of Freemasonry, and it is indeed a
  pleasure to join in recognizing him for this remarkable
  accomplishment; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable John Raney on his
  receipt of a 50th anniversary Masonic service pin and extend to him
  sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Representative Raney as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.
Bonnen of Brazoria Guerra Noble
Allen Guillen Oliverson
Allison Gutierrez Ortega
Anchia Harless Pacheco
Anderson Harris Paddie
Ashby Hefner Parker
Bailes Hernandez Patterson
Beckley Herrero Paul
Bell of Kaufman Hinojosa Perez
Bell of Montgomery Holland Phelan
Bernal Howard Price
Biedermann Huberty Ramos
Blanco Hunter Raymond
Bohac Israel Reynolds
Bonnen of Galveston E. Johnson of Dallas Rodriguez
Bowers J. Johnson of Dallas Romero, Jr.
Buckley Johnson of Harris Rose
Bucy Kacal Rosenthal
Burns King of Hemphill Sanford
Burrows King of Parker Schaefer
Button King of Uvalde Shaheen
Cain Klick Sheffield
Calanni Krause Sherman, Sr.
Canales Kuempel Shine
Capriglione Lambert Smith
Clardy Landgraf Smithee
Cole Lang Springer
Coleman Larson Stephenson
Collier Leach Stickland
Cortez Leman Stucky
Craddick Longoria Swanson
Cyrier Lopez Talarico
Darby Lozano Thierry
Davis of Dallas Lucio III Thompson of Brazoria
Davis of Harris Martinez Thompson of Harris
Dean Martinez Fischer Tinderholt
Deshotel Metcalf Toth
Dominguez Meyer Turner of Dallas
Dutton Meza Turner of Tarrant
Farrar Middleton VanDeaver
Fierro Miller Vo
Flynn Minjarez Walle
Frank Moody White
Frullo Morales Wilson
Geren Morrison Wray
Gervin-Hawkins Muñoz, Jr. Wu
Goldman Murphy Zedler
González of Dallas Murr Zerwas
González of El Paso Neave Zwiener
Goodwin Nevárez
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 732 was adopted by the House on March
  20, 2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House