86R16834 BK-D
  By: Price H.R. No. 739
         WHEREAS, David Pearson of Cedar Park rendered 16 years of
  outstanding service to the Texas Organization of Rural & Community
  Hospitals, and it is indeed fitting that he be recognized for his
  significant contributions; and
         WHEREAS, An experienced executive and a longtime advocate for
  rural hospitals, Mr. Pearson previously served as director of
  operations for the State Office of Rural Health in Texas; joining
  TORCH in 2001, he served as vice president of advocacy and
  communications for six years before taking on the role of president
  and CEO in 2006; during his tenure, he was directly responsible for
  several subsidiary organizations, including the Texas Association
  of Rural Health Clinics and the Texas Hospital Home Health
  Association; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Pearson holds a bachelor's degree in health care
  administration and a master's degree in public administration from
  Texas State University as well as board certification in health
  care management from the American College of Healthcare Executives;
  earlier in his career, he served in management positions at several
  rural and urban hospitals in Kansas and notably led a 12-member
  rural hospital cooperative as executive director; and
         WHEREAS, Active in many professional organizations,
  Mr. Pearson is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare
  Executives, and he has served in leadership positions with the
  National Rural Health Association, the American College of Small or
  Rural Healthcare, the Texas A&M Health Science Center School of
  Public Health, and other related boards and committees; and
         WHEREAS, Through his work with TORCH, David Pearson has
  proven himself to be a dedicated champion of rural health care in
  the State of Texas, and he may take well-deserved pride in his
  exceptional record of achievement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor David Pearson for his years of service to
  the Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals and extend to
  him sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Pearson as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.