86R17377 SME-F
  By: Hinojosa H.R. No. 776
         WHEREAS, The Department of Health has issued a report
  outlining the increased risk of extreme weather events, including
  wildfires, water scarcity, and flooding, and these impacts of
  climate change will affect Texas citizens and impair productivity
  in key economic areas; and
         WHEREAS, Texas' total annual greenhouse gas emissions are the
  largest of any state, and it has the highest amount of industrial
  and transportation-related emissions in the country; in 1999, Texas
  became the first state in the nation to adopt an Energy Efficiency
  Resource Standard, but has since fallen significantly behind in
  energy efficiency; while 40 states saw increases in energy
  efficiency compared to total energy consumption between 2008 and
  2016, Texas was among those that experienced decreases; and
         WHEREAS, The state has more than 233,000 people working in
  advanced energy across all 254 of its counties, representing more
  workers than those in mining and oil and gas, and double those
  working at auto dealerships; Texas has great potential to maximize
  its advanced energy job market in order to increase energy
  efficiency and the use of its renewable energy sources; and
         WHEREAS, Efforts to address climate change and its effects
  would strengthen our economy and its global competitiveness, as
  well as reduce pollutants that adversely impact the health of many
  state residents; a leader in technological innovation and
  problem-solving ingenuity, Texas recognizes the inherent worth of
  our natural resources and has a strong tradition of supporting
  stewardship of the environment; and
         WHEREAS, Preservation of the state's role as a leader in
  fiscal responsibility depends on the prudent management of our
  land, air, and water, and the conservation and maintenance of
  ecosystems will benefit future generations; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby urge the members of the Texas delegation of the
  United States Congress to move forward with bipartisan climate
  action policy initiatives and encourage individuals, corporations,
  and state agencies to reduce emissions and support the growth of
  technologies and services that will enlarge and diversify our
  economy in energy-efficient, cost-effective ways; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That the chief clerk forward official copies of
  this resolution to the Texas delegation of the United States
  Congress as an expression of sentiment by the Texas House of