H.R. No. 800
         WHEREAS, World Down Syndrome Day is being held at the State
  Capitol on March 21, 2019, to promote awareness of the many ways
  that we benefit by ensuring that persons with Down syndrome are
  supported, encouraged, and included in our communities; and
         WHEREAS, Down syndrome, the most commonly occurring
  chromosomal condition, occurs in individuals who have a full or
  partial extra copy of chromosome 21; one of every 700 babies born in
  the United States each year is born with Down syndrome; and
         WHEREAS, Medical advances have significantly increased the
  life expectancy of people with Down syndrome, which is now
  approaching that of peers without the condition; in addition to the
  advantages of modern medicine, support groups and other resources
  are now available in nearly every community in the United States;
         WHEREAS, When provided with quality education programs, a
  stimulating home environment, good health care, and support from
  family and friends, people with Down syndrome can lead fulfilling
  and productive lives; much progress has been made through the
  vision and hard work of parents, researchers, medical
  professionals, and other advocates, who have helped secure the
  rights of people with Down syndrome to live at home, attend schools,
  access appropriate health care, get married, find work, and
  contribute to society; while research and early intervention have
  dramatically improved the life span and quality of life of persons
  with the condition, more work remains to be done to fully comprehend
  the causes and to explore potential treatments; and
         WHEREAS, In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly
  declared March 21 as World Down Syndrome Day; this year, the State
  of Texas is joining with almost 200 countries around the globe in
  recognition of this special event, and all Texans are encouraged to
  take part by helping to build a culture of greater respect and
  inclusion for those living with Down syndrome; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 21, 2019, as World Down Syndrome
  Day at the State Capitol and honor the accomplishments and
  contributions made by men and women with Down syndrome.
  González of El Paso
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 800 was adopted by the House on March
  21, 2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House