H.R. No. 821
         WHEREAS, For more than a century, the American Red Cross has
  made vital contributions to the people of the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, Established more than 137 years ago, the Red Cross
  is one of the largest humanitarian organizations in the world; its
  four regions in Texas are represented by 17 chapters and more than
  7,000 volunteers; in 2018, these men and women contributed nearly
  580,000 hours of their time and sweat equity to the welfare of their
  fellow citizens; and
         WHEREAS, In recent history, the Red Cross responded to the
  tragic mass shootings at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs
  in 2017 and Santa Fe High School in 2018 by setting up canteens for
  first responders and opening family reunification and family
  assistance centers; the organization also provided support to law
  enforcement and emergency personnel during the series of Austin
  package bombings in 2018; and
         WHEREAS, All four regions of the Red Cross opened
  mega-shelters across the state for displaced families in the
  aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and offered long-term recovery
  assistance for hundreds of thousands of Texans; following the
  devastating tornadoes in North Texas in 2015, the organization
  supplied food and shelter as well as case workers who helped
  families connect with needed resources, and it regularly responds
  to floods in Central, South, and West Texas by providing shelter and
  cleaning kits to families whose homes were damaged by high water;
         WHEREAS, In addition to its efforts during emergencies and
  natural disasters, the Red Cross works every day to benefit Texans;
  in 2018, it delivered 168,000 units of blood to hospitals, trained
  more than 205,000 people in first aid and CPR, helped over 6,900
  families after local emergencies such as house fires, installed
  more than 17,800 free smoke alarms in homes, and offered nearly
  44,000 services to veterans, serving military personnel, and their
  families; and
         WHEREAS, Every day, across our state, the American Red Cross
  endeavors to prevent and alleviate the suffering of those in
  crisis, and the skill and compassion of its dedicated volunteers
  are truly deserving of special recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the American Red Cross for its
  contributions to the people of Texas and extend to its staff and
  volunteers sincere best wishes for continued success in their
  important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the American Red Cross as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.
Bonnen of Brazoria Guerra Noble
Allen Guillen Oliverson
Allison Gutierrez Ortega
Anchia Harless Pacheco
Anderson Harris Paddie
Ashby Hefner Parker
Bailes Hernandez Patterson
Beckley Herrero Paul
Bell of Kaufman Hinojosa Perez
Bell of Montgomery Holland Phelan
Bernal Howard Price
Biedermann Huberty Ramos
Blanco Hunter Raney
Bohac Israel Raymond
Bonnen of Galveston E. Johnson of Dallas Reynolds
Bowers J. Johnson of Dallas Rodriguez
Buckley Johnson of Harris Romero, Jr.
Bucy Kacal Rose
Burns King of Hemphill Rosenthal
Burrows King of Parker Sanford
Button King of Uvalde Schaefer
Cain Klick Shaheen
Calanni Krause Sheffield
Canales Kuempel Sherman, Sr.
Capriglione Lambert Shine
Clardy Landgraf Smith
Cole Lang Smithee
Coleman Larson Springer
Collier Leach Stephenson
Cortez Leman Stickland
Craddick Longoria Stucky
Cyrier Lopez Swanson
Darby Lozano Talarico
Davis of Dallas Lucio III Thierry
Davis of Harris Martinez Thompson of Brazoria
Dean Martinez Fischer Thompson of Harris
Deshotel Metcalf Tinderholt
Dominguez Meyer Toth
Dutton Meza Turner of Dallas
Farrar Middleton Turner of Tarrant
Fierro Miller VanDeaver
Flynn Minjarez Vo
Frank Moody Walle
Frullo Morales White
Geren Morrison Wilson
Gervin-Hawkins Muñoz, Jr. Wray
Goldman Murphy Wu
González of Dallas Murr Zedler
González of El Paso Neave Zerwas
Goodwin Nevárez Zwiener
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 821 was adopted by the House on March
  20, 2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House