H.R. No. 828
         WHEREAS, Citizens of Rusk County are assembling at the Texas
  State Capitol to celebrate Rusk County Days on March 20 and 21,
  2019; and
         WHEREAS, A picturesque region of rolling hills in the Piney
  Woods of East Texas, Rusk County was first occupied by the Caddo and
  Cherokee tribes; the first European settlers arrived in the 1830s,
  and on January 16, 1843, the county was formed by act of the
  Congress of the Republic of Texas and named after Thomas Jefferson
  Rusk, secretary of war under Texas President Sam Houston; and
         WHEREAS, For many years, the county's economy was based on
  cotton and other agriculture, but on October 3, 1930, Columbus
  Marion "Dad" Joiner struck oil at his famous Daisy Bradford No. 3
  well, opening up the East Texas oil field, which at the time was the
  largest oil field in the world; three years later, Rusk County was
  producing over 200 million barrels of petroleum a year, turning
  county seat Henderson from a sleepy village to a bustling boomtown;
         WHEREAS, Oil and agriculture continue to be mainstays of the
  county's economy, along with natural gas, timber, and the mining of
  lignite coal; in addition, Rusk County's bricks, made from the
  region's unique clay soil, are highly prized; and
         WHEREAS, Only two miles from "Dad" Joiner's original well,
  the Gaston Museum in Joinerville commemorates the history of the
  East Texas oil field; in Henderson, the Depot Museum, a beautifully
  restored Missouri Pacific railway depot from 1901, hosts the annual
  Heritage Syrup Festival every November; and recreational
  opportunities abound in the county's parks, including Martin Creek
  Lake State Park, which offers swimming, boating, fishing,
  waterskiing, and other activities; and
         WHEREAS, The people of Rusk County take great pride in their
  rich history as they work together to build an even brighter future,
  and it is indeed fitting to honor them and their unique
  contributions to the story of the Lone Star State; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 20 and 21, 2019, as Rusk County
  Days at the State Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation
  sincere best wishes for a meaningful and memorable stay in Austin.
Bonnen of Brazoria Guerra Noble
Allen Guillen Oliverson
Allison Gutierrez Ortega
Anchia Harless Pacheco
Anderson Harris Paddie
Ashby Hefner Parker
Bailes Hernandez Patterson
Beckley Herrero Paul
Bell of Kaufman Hinojosa Perez
Bell of Montgomery Holland Phelan
Bernal Howard Price
Biedermann Huberty Ramos
Blanco Hunter Raney
Bohac Israel Raymond
Bonnen of Galveston E. Johnson of Dallas Reynolds
Bowers J. Johnson of Dallas Rodriguez
Buckley Johnson of Harris Romero, Jr.
Bucy Kacal Rose
Burns King of Hemphill Rosenthal
Burrows King of Parker Sanford
Button King of Uvalde Schaefer
Cain Klick Shaheen
Calanni Krause Sheffield
Canales Kuempel Sherman, Sr.
Capriglione Lambert Shine
Clardy Landgraf Smith
Cole Lang Smithee
Coleman Larson Springer
Collier Leach Stephenson
Cortez Leman Stickland
Craddick Longoria Stucky
Cyrier Lopez Swanson
Darby Lozano Talarico
Davis of Dallas Lucio III Thierry
Davis of Harris Martinez Thompson of Brazoria
Dean Martinez Fischer Thompson of Harris
Deshotel Metcalf Tinderholt
Dominguez Meyer Toth
Dutton Meza Turner of Dallas
Farrar Middleton Turner of Tarrant
Fierro Miller VanDeaver
Flynn Minjarez Vo
Frank Moody Walle
Frullo Morales White
Geren Morrison Wilson
Gervin-Hawkins Muñoz, Jr. Wray
Goldman Murphy Wu
González of Dallas Murr Zedler
González of El Paso Neave Zerwas
Goodwin Nevárez Zwiener
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 828 was adopted by the House on March
  21, 2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House