86R17169 SME-D
  By: Davis of Dallas H.R. No. 910
         WHEREAS, Destiny Miles, a junior at Kimball High School in
  Dallas, reached the pinnacle of success when she won the state title
  in the 5A 148-pound weight division at the 2019 University
  Interscholastic League Wrestling State Tournament, held in Cypress
  on February 22 and 23; and
         WHEREAS, Following an appearance in the 2018 state tournament
  as a sophomore, Ms. Miles recommitted herself to her training in
  the off-season in anticipation of a title run in 2019;
  demonstrating remarkable skill and determination, she lost just one
  match during her entire junior season despite being hampered by
  injuries; after qualifying for a return trip to state, she opened
  the tournament by besting opponents from Cedar Park, Amarillo River
  Road, and Amarillo Caprock High Schools to advance to the finals;
         WHEREAS, The title contest turned out to be a rematch against
  Grapevine High School's Karestin Andrews, who had defeated
  Ms. Miles in the regional championship; in a battle that was
  decided in just under three minutes, Ms. Miles pinned her opponent
  and claimed the 5A title; in so doing, she became only the third
  wrestler from the Dallas Independent School District to be crowned
  as a girls' state champion; and
         WHEREAS, In proving herself one of the finest high school
  wrestlers in Texas, Destiny Miles has realized a well-deserved
  reward for her countless hours of hard work, and she has become a
  source of tremendous pride to her school and community; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Destiny Miles on winning the 2019
  UIL wrestling state championship in the girls' 5A 148-pound
  division and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Miles as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.