86R20932 GM-D
  By: Price H.R. No. 966
         WHEREAS, Texas American Legion Boys State is celebrating the
  80th anniversary of its founding in 2019, providing a fitting
  opportunity to pay tribute to this outstanding educational program;
         WHEREAS, One of the most respected civics education programs
  for high school students in the nation, American Legion Boys State
  brings together participants to learn about government through
  role-playing exercises, including running for office, organizing a
  government, and introducing and debating bills in a legislature;
  the program was created in Illinois in 1934, and the national
  organization adopted the plan in 1935; today, 48 states conduct a
  Boys State each year, and the American Legion Auxiliary also
  sponsors a program for young women called Girls State; and
         WHEREAS, At its annual convention in Waco in 1939, the Texas
  Department of the American Legion mandated the establishment of a
  Boys State program in the Lone Star State, and the first group of
  participants met on the campus of The University of Texas at Austin
  in June 1940; in addition to developing a government complete with
  elected city, county, and state officials, a legislature, and
  courts, the youths published a daily newspaper and attended
  lectures by counselors on such subjects as the U.S. Constitution
  and the branches of government; and
         WHEREAS, Today, several hundred student leaders take part in
  Boys State each summer at The University of Texas; selected on a
  competitive basis by local high schools and American Legion posts
  from across the state, these notable young Texans are mentored by
  dedicated volunteers who include members of the American Legion,
  legislators, and former Boys Staters, many of whom have gone on to
  excel in such fields as education, law, and government; and
         WHEREAS, By nurturing the techniques and ideals of our
  representative republic, Texas American Legion Boys State is
  helping young people develop the understanding, insight, and skills
  necessary to become the leaders of tomorrow; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 80th anniversary of American
  Legion Boys State in Texas and extend to all those associated with
  the program sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Texas American Legion Boys State as an expression of
  high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.