86R24253 CJM-D
  By: Neave H.R. No. 1164
         WHEREAS, Members of Leadership Mesquite are visiting the
  State Capitol on April 9 and 10, 2019, and the occasion provides a
  fitting opportunity to recognize this notable group; and
         WHEREAS, Leadership Mesquite strives to educate civic-minded
  individuals about city, county, and state government; the course,
  sponsored by the Mesquite Chamber of Commerce, lasts nine months
  and involves citizens who represent a wide range of backgrounds and
  perspectives; working in cooperation with a number of local
  entities, Leadership Mesquite sponsors different programs every
  month to help members gain a better understanding of the community,
  and each class also chooses a special project to support; and
         WHEREAS, Led by coordinators Kimberly Buttram and Kristi
  Krajca, members of the current Leadership Mesquite class are Jeff
  Armstrong, Beverly Abell, Donnetta Allen, Kyle Berry, Lakeitha
  Bradley, Aaron Escamilla, Sean Fox, Jennifer Hammet, Cindi Jobe,
  Donielle Johnson, Becky McIntire, Tralana Pollard, Angel Rivera,
  Kelvin Starks, Debi Tanton, and Tony Zanolini; and
         WHEREAS, Leadership Mesquite is endeavoring to build a more
  informed and involved citizenry by promoting a spirit of
  volunteerism and community pride, and the program is helping to
  build an even brighter and more prosperous future for the Lone Star
  State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize April 9 and 10, 2019, as Leadership
  Mesquite Days at the State Capitol and extend to all participants
  sincere best wishes for continued success.