86R26169 BPG-F
  By: Martinez Fischer H.R. No. 1277
         WHEREAS, The University of Texas at San Antonio is
  celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2019; and
         WHEREAS, In 1969, state senator Joe J. Bernal sponsored the
  bill establishing UTSA as the Alamo City's first public university,
  and he played a key role in the final negotiations to pass the
  legislation; and
         WHEREAS, The Class of 1973, the first to graduate from UTSA,
  numbered 670 students; today, enrollment exceeds 32,000, and the
  institution has some 132,000 alumni, who contribute to communities
  around the world; and
         WHEREAS, UTSA brings national recognition to Texas through
  its programs of distinction in cybersecurity, health, energy,
  sustainability, and human and social development; it has been
  ranked as the nation's number one Hispanic-serving institution and
  third most military-friendly institution, as well as one of the top
  100 young universities in the world; and
         WHEREAS, Designated by the Texas Legislature as an emerging
  research university, UTSA is on its way to earning both National
  Research University Fund eligibility and the highest research
  designation from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
  Teaching; and
         WHEREAS, UTSA is creating a collaborative and impactful
  government-university-industry ecosystem in San Antonio through
  its new National Security Collaboration Center, the state's first
  program of its kind; it is also launching the state's first School
  of Data Science; and
         WHEREAS, Fifty percent of UTSA students are the first in
  their families to attend college, and as an inclusive institution,
  it provides opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds to
  thrive; and
         WHEREAS, The university is a catalyst for change in San
  Antonio, and while driving the city's knowledge economy, it acts as
  a prosperity engine for the entire state; and
         WHEREAS, Since its founding, UTSA has transformed the lives
  of innumerable Texans, providing them with the education required
  to achieve their dreams and preparing them to effect positive
  change in the world around them; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 50th anniversary of the
  establishment of The University of Texas at San Antonio and extend
  to all those associated with this rising institution sincere best
  wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the university as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.