86R27663 BK-D
  By: Davis of Harris H.R. No. 1284
         WHEREAS, Tena Lundquist Faust and Tama Lundquist have
  distinguished themselves through their leadership as copresidents
  of Houston PetSet, a charitable organization with the mission to
  end animal homelessness in Harris County and beyond; and
         WHEREAS, The sisters joined Houston PetSet as board members
  in 2007 and subsequently took the reins of the organization as
  copresidents in 2013; two years into their tenure, they began
  developing a strategic plan to address the most significant issues
  facing the animal population in Houston and Harris County, and they
  went on to commission a study through Rice University to more fully
  assess the state of animal welfare in the area; since then, the
  organization has forged new alliances and created new programs with
  the goals of relocating dogs and cats in need of homes and
  preventing overpopulation through spay and neuter services; and
         WHEREAS, Houston PetSet continuously engages government
  officials, private animal welfare groups, shelters, veterinarians,
  donors, and other key industry stakeholders to accomplish its
  mission; to date, the organization has awarded more than $2.5
  million in grants to its animal welfare partners, and it provided
  grants to nearly 70 recipients in 2018 alone; the organization was
  also a founding partner of the Harris County Animal Cruelty
  Taskforce in 2018, and it collaborated with the Harris County
  Precinct 5 Animal Crimes Unit to launch a special "boots on the
  ground" ambassador program to help identify and report cases of
  animal abuse and neglect; Ms. Lundquist Faust and Ms. Lundquist are
  active in overseeing such events as the annual Fierce & Fabulous
  Soirée to raise funds for these initiatives; and
         WHEREAS, In February 2019, Houston PetSet was honored for its
  work by Houston mayor Sylvester Turner; its copresidents have also
  personally been recognized as the 2010 Houston Humane Society
  honorees and the 2014 Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston
  Best Friends Brunch honorees, in addition to receiving the 2013
  Crime Stoppers of Houston Leiv Platou Award; and
         WHEREAS, Driven by a deep concern for the county's most
  vulnerable animals, Tena Lundquist Faust and Tama Lundquist have
  proven themselves to be a force for good in their community, and
  their efforts have earned them the respect and gratitude of
  countless fellow Texans; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Tena Lundquist Faust and Tama Lundquist
  for their many achievements as copresidents of Houston PetSet and
  extend to them sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Lundquist Faust and Ms. Lundquist as an expression
  of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.