86R28691 BK-D
  By: Beckley H.R. No. 1289
         WHEREAS, World Meningitis Day is being observed on April 24,
  2019; and
         WHEREAS, Meningitis, which can be caused by a viral or
  bacterial infection, refers to an inflammation of the membranes, or
  meninges, surrounding the brain and spinal cord; though cases of
  viral meningitis are often mild, bacterial meningitis is a serious
  disease that can rapidly turn fatal; a person may die in a period of
  only 8 to 24 hours after first contracting the infection; and
         WHEREAS, Every year since 2012, 10 to 12 percent of
  individuals infected with bacterial meningitis have lost their
  battle with the disease; the rate of bacterial meningitis is higher
  among adolescents and young adults than it is for most other age
  groups, and several outbreaks have occurred on college campuses
  within the last decade; among those who survive meningococcal
  disease, 20 percent go on to live with severe health problems; and
         WHEREAS, Vaccinating adolescents for meningitis saves lives
  and prevents the health problems and disabilities caused by the
  bacterium, including epilepsy, paralysis, limb loss, organ damage,
  and brain damage; inoculating young people also offers economic
  advantages by decreasing the direct costs and productivity losses
  associated with the disease; and
         WHEREAS, Greater public awareness can help the State of Texas
  reduce the number of incidents and outbreaks of bacterial
  meningitis, and World Meningitis Day provides an important
  opportunity to increase understanding of this debilitating and
  potentially life-threatening illness; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize April 24, 2019, as World Meningitis
  Day and encourage all Texans to learn more about the prevention of
  bacterial meningitis through immunization.