WHEREAS, During the week of May 7-14, 2019, the Texas |
Drowning Prevention Alliance is joining together with water safety |
advocates and partners to commemorate Drowning Awareness Week in |
the State of Texas; and |
WHEREAS, Drowning is the second leading cause of death among |
children under 14 years of age; many drowning and near-drowning |
accidents can be prevented by following basic safety measures such |
as supervising children when they are in or around water, learning |
CPR and first aid, having youths wear life jackets, and enrolling |
young children in formal swimming lessons, which can help protect |
them from drowning by as much as 88 percent; and |
WHEREAS, The Texas Drowning Prevention Alliance and its |
partners are setting aside a week to help raise public awareness |
about the importance of water safety and to reinforce education |
among those who operate and oversee swimming pools, water |
playgrounds, hot tubs, and other venues; Drowning Awareness Week |
serves as an opportunity for Texas families who have been impacted |
by drowning to share personal stories and to memorialize victims of |
drowning and for water safety advocates to conduct educational |
outreach aimed at preventing future tragedies; and |
WHEREAS, All Texans have a role to play in mitigating the risk |
of accidental drowning, and Drowning Awareness Week helps focus |
attention on the steps that can be taken to promote safety around |
water; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize May 7-14, 2019, as Drowning Awareness |
Week and commend the Texas Drowning Prevention Alliance and other |
dedicated individuals for their year-round efforts to save lives; |
and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the Texas Drowning Prevention Alliance as an |
expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. |