86R30658 GM-D
  By: Martinez H.R. No. 1507
         WHEREAS, Pioneering Texan Elder B. Barton fought bravely for
  freedom during the Texas Revolution and contributed to the growth
  of Hidalgo County; and
         WHEREAS, Born in New York City in 1806, Elder Barton joined
  the Texian Army on March 13, 1836, and served in Captain Robert
  J. Calder's Brazoria Company at the Battle of San Jacinto on April
  21, 1836; on this day, the Texian Army under General Sam Houston
  decisively defeated the Mexican troops commanded by General Antonio
  López de Santa Anna in an engagement that lasted just 18 minutes;
         WHEREAS, In October of 1836, Mr. Barton was honorably
  discharged, and he moved to Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, where he
  married Santitos Balli, with whom he had 16 children; the couple
  lived in several towns in the Rio Grande Valley, including
  Brownsville, Santa Rosa, and Los Indios, before settling in Nueces
  County, where Mr. Barton received 369 acres as compensation for his
  military service; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Barton became an important figure in the
  economic development of Hidalgo County; he served as postmaster,
  worked in the steamboat industry, and utilized his military
  experience to help secure the United States border along the Rio
  Grande; he died on his ranch on August 4, 1884, and was buried in the
  courtyard of the Hidalgo County Courthouse, where his son
  Washington Barton served as county commissioner; and
         WHEREAS, After the courthouse burned down, Mr. Barton's
  remains were reinterred in the Hidalgo City Cemetery, and in 2016,
  the Texas Historical Commission placed a state historical marker
  there in his honor; and
         WHEREAS, Elder Barton fought courageously in the struggle for
  Texas independence, and the legacy he left behind will be
  remembered for years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life and achievements of
  Elder B. Barton and commemorate his contributions to the history
  and heritage of Texas.