86R31679 JGH-D
  By: Bonnen of Brazoria H.R. No. 1560
         WHEREAS, Two remarkable sisters, Wilhelm Williams Moye of
  Cedar Lake and Tena Williams Simien of Sweeny, have earned great
  distinction through their combined eight decades as teachers in
  Matagorda and Brazoria Counties; and
         WHEREAS, Recognized as two of the oldest living former
  teachers in the nation, Mrs. Moye and Mrs. Simien are the last
  surviving members of a prominent family of educators, and they were
  on the front lines of desegregation in the 1960s; their father, Joel
  Williams Sr., was a graduate of the Tuskegee Institute, and he
  served for nearly 50 years as principal, teacher, and bus driver for
  the Van Vleck Independent School District; their siblings, the late
  Joel Williams Jr., Girtha Woodard, Augustus Williams Sr., and Fay
  Woodard, were all teachers as well; and
         WHEREAS, Born in 1922, Wilhelm Moye is a graduate of Prairie
  View A&M University, and she began her career in the 1940s at
  Sargent Colored School; she went on to teach typing, shorthand,
  bookkeeping, and business math at O. H. Herman High School in the
  Van Vleck ISD, and in 1965, she became the first African American
  teacher at Van Vleck High School; she retired in the late 1980s; and
         WHEREAS, Tena Simien, who was born in 1924, graduated from
  Jarvis Christian College, and she began her career at Jerusalem
  Community School in the 1940s; she later taught English at George
  Washington Carver High School, where she was a supervisor, program
  director, and sponsor of the drama club; in 1966, she was one of the
  first six black teachers to be hired at Sweeny Junior High School in
  the Sweeny ISD; she taught junior high school English until her
  retirement in 1984; and
         WHEREAS, Known affectionately as the Queen BEES (for Business
  and English Education Sisters), Mrs. Moye and Mrs. Simien count
  many community leaders among their former students, including a
  school superintendent and a mayor, as well as school board members,
  coaches, professional football players, city managers, city
  council members, and bank executives; and
         WHEREAS, Leaders in their profession, Wilhelm Moye and Tena
  Simien have made a positive difference in the lives of generations
  of area Texans, and they have earned the admiration and affection of
  all who are privileged to know them; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Wilhelm Williams Moye and Tena Williams
  Simien for their outstanding careers in education and extend to
  them sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
  for Mrs. Moye and Mrs. Simien as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.