86R32242 BK-D
  By: Morrison H.R. No. 1564
         WHEREAS, On September 29, 2018, members of the Victoria
  community gathered to celebrate the long-awaited reopening of the
  Victoria Islamic Center; and
         WHEREAS, After the mosque was destroyed by an act of arson two
  years prior, people of all faiths came together in solidarity to
  support the Islamic Center; a fund-raising campaign to rebuild the
  structure collected upwards of $1.1 million from more than 25,000
  donors, including people from the local area as well as
  contributors from other locations in the United States and abroad;
  defying a hateful attempt to terrorize and divide the community,
  the residents of Victoria demonstrated a level of generosity,
  compassion, and unity that made news throughout the world; and
         WHEREAS, With its grand reopening, the center returned to its
  role as a social hub for individuals of the Muslim faith; a
  Victorian architect studied Islamic building designs to ensure that
  the end result was a worthy replacement for the previous structure,
  and the new mosque has earned great acclaim from visitors, who have
  marveled at its white marble walls, high ceilings, and beautiful
  chandeliers and metalwork; and
         WHEREAS, The Victoria Islamic Center is a source of
  fellowship, guidance, and inspiration to all who worship there, and
  the successful completion of its new home is a testament to the
  unwavering faith of its members and to the spirit of friendship they
  share with the wider community; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the reopening of the Victoria
  Islamic Center and extend to its members sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the center as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.