H.R. No. 1565
         WHEREAS, With a proud heritage that spans many centuries, the
  Jumano Indians of Texas have been a vital part of the history of the
  Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, The Jumano were living in parts of present-day Texas
  when Europeans first arrived in the area, and they may have
  encountered the Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca in 1535 near the
  site now occupied by the city of Presidio; they were first
  identified as "Jumano" in 1582 by another explorer, Antonio de
  Espejo; and
         WHEREAS, In this era, the Jumano were a seminomadic people
  who hunted buffalo, farmed, and served as salt traders, following
  the Colorado River to where it joins the Concho River; early on,
  they adopted the use of the horse, and some Jumano were associated
  with pueblo villages; their original territory stretched from what
  is now the Chihuahua region of Mexico, through West Texas, and into
  New Mexico; and
         WHEREAS, Between 1621 and 1631, a Catholic nun named Sor
  Maria de Jesus of Agreda, also known as the "Lady in Blue," is said
  to have appeared to the Jumano and spoken to them in their native
  language, beginning their conversion to Christianity; in recent
  years, Jumanos have played an important role in the effort of the
  Catholic Church to canonize Sor Maria; and
         WHEREAS, The Jumano endured many hardships over the
  centuries, including warfare with rival Native American groups and
  non-native settlers and the spread of infectious diseases; during
  the 1700s, the Jumano began to disappear from the historical record
  as a distinct people, and it is thought that some members of the
  tribe were absorbed into other groups; they became less prevalent
  in Texas during the turbulent period that stretched into the 1800s,
  but after 1875, Jumanos began to return to their traditional
  homeland, including such Texas locations as Candelaria, Valentine,
  Presidio, and Balmorhea; and
         WHEREAS, In recent years, many Jumano families have begun to
  reclaim their heritage, and at present there are more than 5,000
  people who can claim descent from this ancient people; Jumanos have
  served in the United States military in every war since the Civil
  War, and they continue to be active and vital members of their
  communities; on May 22, 2016, the council of the Jumano Indian
  Nation of Texas was established under the leadership of chair Felix
  Bonilla Salmeron; and
         WHEREAS, Heirs to a rich legacy, the members of the Jumano
  Indian Nation of Texas are strengthened by the cultural traditions
  and close ties of kinship that have been passed down from their
  forebears, and it is indeed fitting to gratefully pay tribute to
  their contributions to the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Jumano Indian Nation of Texas and
  extend to its members sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the nation as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
Bonnen of Brazoria Guerra Noble
Allen Guillen Oliverson
Allison Gutierrez Ortega
Anchia Harless Pacheco
Anderson Harris Paddie
Ashby Hefner Parker
Bailes Hernandez Patterson
Beckley Herrero Paul
Bell of Kaufman Hinojosa Perez
Bell of Montgomery Holland Phelan
Bernal Howard Price
Biedermann Huberty Ramos
Blanco Hunter Raney
Bohac Israel Raymond
Bonnen of Galveston E. Johnson of Dallas Reynolds
Bowers J. Johnson of Dallas Rodriguez
Buckley Johnson of Harris Romero, Jr.
Bucy Kacal Rose
Burns King of Hemphill Rosenthal
Burrows King of Parker Sanford
Button King of Uvalde Schaefer
Cain Klick Shaheen
Calanni Krause Sheffield
Canales Kuempel Sherman, Sr.
Capriglione Lambert Shine
Clardy Landgraf Smith
Cole Lang Smithee
Coleman Larson Springer
Collier Leach Stephenson
Cortez Leman Stickland
Craddick Longoria Stucky
Cyrier Lopez Swanson
Darby Lozano Talarico
Davis of Dallas Lucio III Thierry
Davis of Harris Martinez Thompson of Brazoria
Dean Martinez Fischer Thompson of Harris
Deshotel Metcalf Tinderholt
Dominguez Meyer Toth
Dutton Meza Turner of Dallas
Farrar Middleton Turner of Tarrant
Fierro Miller VanDeaver
Flynn Minjarez Vo
Frank Moody Walle
Frullo Morales White
Geren Morrison Wilson
Gervin-Hawkins Muñoz, Jr. Wray
Goldman Murphy Wu
González of Dallas Murr Zedler
González of El Paso Neave Zerwas
Goodwin Nevárez Zwiener
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1565 was adopted by the House on May 15,
  2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House