WHEREAS, Members of the Texas Young Republican Federation are |
gathering in Austin on May 13, 2019, for their third and final |
legislative day at the State Capitol of the 86th Legislative |
Session; and |
WHEREAS, An official auxiliary of the Republican Party of |
Texas, the Texas Young Republican Federation is dedicated to |
advancing conservative principles and supporting the election of |
Republican candidates to all levels of government; the organization |
is currently led by chair Hayden Padgett and is composed of nearly |
40 federated clubs with close to 2,000 members; and |
WHEREAS, The Texas Young Republicans stand united in their |
belief in limited government that protects rights and preserves |
life; they have persistently sought civil discourse at the Capitol |
and within their hometowns, and they have shown up month after month |
to engage lawmakers in support of these priorities; and |
WHEREAS, Through their grassroots political activism, the |
members of the Texas Young Republican Federation have helped to |
strengthen their party and foster a more unified and informed base |
of Republican voters, and they may take well-deserved pride in |
their contributions; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas |
Legislature hereby honor the members of the Texas Young Republican |
Federation on the occasion of their legislative day at the State |
Capitol and extend to the delegation sincere best wishes for an |
enjoyable and productive visit to Austin; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the Texas Young Republican Federation as an expression |
of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. |