WHEREAS, The varsity cheerleading team from Brackett High |
School in Brackettville won third place at the University |
Interscholastic League 2A State Spirit Championship on January 17, |
2019; and |
WHEREAS, The Spirit Championship follows a "game day" format |
designed to showcase the skills and techniques the squads have |
honed while cheering for their schools; this year, 486 teams |
participated in the season, with only 20 advancing to the state |
competition in each conference; and |
WHEREAS, The members of the Brackett cheerleading squad |
distinguished themselves with their outstanding performance at the |
state event; they earned 39.65 points in the fight song and band |
dance category and dominated the crowd leading category with 46.45 |
points, for a total of 86.1 points; and |
WHEREAS, With their fine showing at the Spirit Championship, |
these outstanding young Texans have proudly represented Brackett |
High, and the dedication the students have demonstrated is sure to |
serve them well in the years ahead; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate the Brackett High School varsity |
cheerleading team on winning third place in the 2019 UIL 2A State |
Spirit Championship and extend to the athletes and coaches sincere |
best wishes for continued success; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |