86R33480 CW-D
  By: Springer H.R. No. 1681
         WHEREAS, The Fairy Yardmothers are promoting school and
  community pride through the beautification of the campuses in the
  Aspermont Independent School District; and
         WHEREAS, Wielding shovels, picks, and rakes, the Fairy
  Yardmothers are teaming with students, school administrators, and
  fellow citizens in landscaping school campuses in this Northwest
  Texas community; the organization is composed of nine local women,
  Claire Clarke, Lola Gholson, TeriJo Gonzales, Belinda Hecht, Bobbie
  Hill, Glenda Hill, Melissa Ribelin, Lana Snipes, and Brenda
  Vahlenkamp, who have nearly completed phase one of their project
  and are next planning improvements at the track, the elementary
  school campus, and near the football stadium; and
         WHEREAS, The Fairy Yardmothers have received additional
  support from landscaping contractor Ysmael Olvera; in addition to
  drafting landscaping plans, he helps supervise work, teaches
  general landscaping concepts, and purchases plants at cost for the
  group; and
         WHEREAS, Those Texans who give freely of their time and
  talents to benefit the larger community make the world a better
  place through their actions and their example, and the members of
  the Fairy Yardmothers are such individuals; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the Fairy Yardmothers on beautifying the
  campuses of the Aspermont Independent School District and extend to
  them sincere best wishes for continued success in their important
  work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Fairy Yardmothers as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.