86R29495 BK-D
  By: Patterson H.R. No. 1693
         WHEREAS, Yohann Lopes, a fourth grader at Bledsoe Elementary
  in the Frisco Independent School District, has demonstrated
  extraordinary compassion for those in need through his work as the
  founder of Our Helping Hearts; and
         WHEREAS, Yohann started the nonprofit in 2017, when he was
  eight years old, after visiting a homeless shelter in India; when he
  remarked that there were no homeless or hungry people in Texas, his
  parents drove him to South Dallas after returning home, and he was
  shocked and saddened by the sight of people on the streets begging
  and searching for food; and
         WHEREAS, Determined to do something to help, Yohann invited
  his friends over to make sandwiches to deliver to homeless
  shelters, and he was ultimately able to enlist 30 people to make a
  total of 520 sandwiches; Our Helping Hearts has since grown
  tremendously, and in 2018, it donated more than 120,000 sandwiches,
  over 4,500 nonperishable food items, and more than 550 pairs of
  socks; today, Yohann is also involved in planning the
  organization's public and private events with schools, churches,
  corporate offices, and other community partners; and
         WHEREAS, Yohann continues to come up with new ideas for how to
  increase assistance to homeless and food-insecure residents;
  looking to the future, he has plans to set up a mobile food pantry
  and to begin soliciting donations of unused food from local
  restaurants; and
         WHEREAS, Through this outstanding endeavor, Yohann Lopes has
  proven himself to be a remarkably caring and resourceful young
  Texan, and he is a source of great pride and inspiration to his
  family and his community; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Yohann Lopes for working to provide food
  and care items to his fellow Texans in need and extend to him
  sincere best wishes for continued success with Our Helping Hearts;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Yohann as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.