H.R. No. 1800
         WHEREAS, The City of Grand Prairie is hosting a Memorial Day
  celebration at the Veterans Park Event Center on May 27, 2019, to
  honor those who have served our nation in the military; and
         WHEREAS, This observance was introduced after the Civil War
  as a means of paying tribute to those who were killed on both sides
  of the conflict; originally called Decoration Day for the practice
  of adorning the graves of soldiers with flowers once a year, the
  holiday came to be known as Memorial Day, a day to honor all of the
  country's fallen; though it was celebrated on May 30 for a number of
  decades, it has been observed on the final Monday in May since the
  early 1970s; and
         WHEREAS, In communities across the nation, veterans and their
  fellow citizens gather in cemeteries and other public places to pay
  tribute to the armed forces personnel who died protecting our
  liberty; "Taps," the haunting bugle call customarily performed at
  military funerals and memorials since the Civil War, is played
  during these ceremonies, and in accordance with tradition, the
  United States flag is lowered to half staff early in the day before
  being raised again at noon; and
         WHEREAS, The Memorial Day event in Grand Prairie will feature
  a solemn reading of the names of servicemen and servicewomen from
  the city who gave their lives, accompanied by the tolling of the
  newly dedicated Brass Honor Bell; after a flyover by a vintage AT-6
  aircraft, the wings of which were manufactured in the city, the
  ceremony will conclude with a 21-gun salute by the Grand Prairie
  Police Honor Guard and the playing of "Taps," followed by a lunch
  provided by the Grand Prairie Rotary clubs; and
         WHEREAS, Generations of Texans have answered their nation's
  call to duty, and it is indeed appropriate that we reflect on all
  that is asked of the men and women who serve and on the immeasurable
  debt that is owed to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 2019 Memorial Day observance in
  Grand Prairie and extend sincere best wishes to the participants
  and guests for a meaningful and memorable event.
  Turner of Tarrant
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1800 was adopted by the House on May
  24, 2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House