86R34871 BPG-D
  By: Turner of Tarrant H.R. No. 1802
         WHEREAS, Many proud residents of Arlington are gathering on
  Independence Day for the 2019 Fourth of July Parade; and
         WHEREAS, The city's longest-running event, the parade was
  launched in 1965 by an engaged citizen, Dottie Lynn, and Church
  Women United; the inaugural parade in Randol Mill Park was composed
  largely of children on bicycles decorated in red, white, and blue;
         WHEREAS, The parade became increasingly popular and outgrew
  the park; today, it covers a two-mile route through downtown and The
  University of Texas at Arlington's College Park District, and it
  features some 150 entries, including professionally built floats as
  well as smaller conveyances designed and created by businesses,
  organizations, churches, and youth groups; the event is organized
  by the dedicated volunteers of the Arlington Fourth of July
  Association; and
         WHEREAS, Each year, approximately 75,000 people attend the
  parade; many of them pitch tents the night before to secure the best
  viewing angles for the two-hour spectacle; in addition, homeowners
  along the route host parties on their porches and lawns; the parade
  is also telecast live on the Arlington Independent School
  District's station and streamed on its website, and radio listeners
  can hear broadcasts from the event by local stations; and
         WHEREAS, For more than a half century, the Arlington Fourth
  of July Parade has provided an opportunity for area residents to
  express their patriotism and celebrate our nation's founding in the
  company of their fellow citizens; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 2019 Arlington Fourth of July
  Parade and extend to all those in attendance sincere best wishes for
  a memorable and enjoyable event.