86R34681 CJM-D
  By: White H.R. No. 1870
         WHEREAS, Kimberly Cline of Lumberton has ably served her
  fellow Texans as a community and constituent relations director in
  the office of State Representative James White during the 86th
  Legislature; and
         WHEREAS, Responsible for running the district office,
  Ms. Cline maintains Representative White's presence in the
  district during the session and manages correspondence with
  constituents during the interim; she has also played a vital role in
  facilitating Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts in the community;
  her resourcefulness and initiative have earned the appreciation of
  her colleagues, and her contributions to carrying forth the
  representative's legislative agenda have helped to address issues
  facing citizens across the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, In all her endeavors, Ms. Cline enjoys the love and
  support of her husband, Jason, and she takes great pride in her
  three children, Kennedy, Dakota, and Ryleigh; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed public employee has performed her
  duties with skill and dedication, and she is indeed deserving of
  special recognition for her fine work; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Kimberly Cline for her service as
  community and constituent relations director in the office of State
  Representative James White and extend to her sincere best wishes
  for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Cline as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.