86R23199 BPG-D
  By: Nevárez H.R. No. 1942
         WHEREAS, Bianca Porras of the Valentine Independent School
  District was named the 2018 Texas History Day Teacher of the Year
  for the Senior (High School) Division by the Texas State Historical
  Association, and she has received the organization's DeBoe Award as
  well; and
         WHEREAS, Each year, TSHA sponsors Texas History Day, an
  affiliate of National History Day, to engage students in scholarly
  exploration of the past; nearly 70,000 students across the state
  choose topics related to the annual theme and conduct extensive
  primary and secondary research at libraries, archives, museums,
  historic sites, and other locations; they may create and present
  original research papers, exhibits, performances, websites, or
  documentaries, and the top projects may advance to regional, state,
  or national competitions; and
         WHEREAS, Bianca Porras was honored for her outstanding
  efforts in supporting Texas History Day for more than a decade; she
  promotes the study of history at all levels, and although her school
  district is very small, she has made the best possible use of
  available resources to allow her students to complete high-quality
  projects; and
         WHEREAS, A graduate of Valentine ISD, Ms. Porras
  participated in Texas History Day when she was a student, and she
  has worked tirelessly to share her enthusiasm and make the event
  even more meaningful for the youth of her district; TSHA recognized
  her enduring dedication to the program by also according her its
  prestigious DeBoe Award; and
         WHEREAS, While inspiring youngsters to develop a greater
  interest in the people and events that have shaped our world, Bianca
  Porras has also taught her students valuable research and
  analytical skills that will serve them well in any subject, and this
  statewide recognition of her contributions is a source of
  tremendous pride to Valentine ISD; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Bianca Porras on her selection as a
  2018 Texas History Day Teacher of the Year by the Texas State
  Historical Association and on her receipt of the TSHA DeBoe Award
  and that she be extended sincere best wishes for continued success;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Porras as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.