86R6537 JGH-D
  By: Herrero H.R. No. 2105
         WHEREAS, A life devoted to the service of his nation drew to a
  close with the death of U.S. Navy Captain (Ret.) Frank Montesano of
  Corpus Christi on April 13, 2018, at the age of 68; and
         WHEREAS, "Rocco" Montesano was born in Passaic, New Jersey,
  on July 27, 1949, to Ann and Rocco Montesano, and he grew up in
  Hackensack; in 1971, he graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy at
  Annapolis, and he later earned a master's degree from St. Mary's
  University; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of his distinguished 27-year career
  as a U.S. Navy pilot, Captain Montesano accumulated more than 5,500
  flight hours and served in the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, the
  North Atlantic, and the Arabian Sea; during Operation Desert Storm,
  he commanded A-6 Squadron VA-176, winning three consecutive "Battle
  E" awards; he went on to work in the Office of the Chief of Naval
  Operations at the Pentagon, command Naval Air Station Corpus
  Christi, and serve as manpower director for the Chief of Naval Air
  Training until his retirement in 1998; his decorations included two
  Legion of Merit Medals, two Meritorious Service Medals, the Navy
  and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and the Navy and Marine Corps
  Achievement Medal; and
         WHEREAS, Captain Montesano served for a decade as executive
  director of the USS Lexington Museum in Corpus Christi; under his
  leadership, this legendary World War II aircraft carrier has become
  one of the most popular tourist destinations in the region, drawing
  more than 300,000 visitors a year; he also gave back to his
  community through his participation with the Corpus Christi
  Mustangs, the Corpus Christi Housing Authority, and the Rotary
  Club; and
         WHEREAS, Captain Montesano shared 46 years with his wife,
  Joanne, and he was a loving father to his children, Michael
  Montesano and Cariann Galloway, and a doting grandfather to Kyleigh
  and Kase Galloway; he enjoyed playing golf and basketball, and he
  delighted in the time he spent in his garden; and
         WHEREAS, A devoted family man and a proud veteran, Rocco
  Montesano served with honor, courage, and dedication, and his
  memory will be forever cherished by all those who were privileged to
  know him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Captain Frank "Rocco"
  Montesano and extend heartfelt sympathy to his relatives and many
  friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Captain
  Frank Montesano.