86R20497 CW-D
  By: Herrero H.R. No. 2107
         WHEREAS, Dajia Contreras made history by becoming Corpus
  Christi's first female Golden Gloves state boxing champion with her
  win at the 2019 state tournament; and
         WHEREAS, Fighting in the elite female 106-pound weight
  division, Ms. Contreras captured the title with a victory in the
  tournament finals on March 9 in Fort Worth; and
         WHEREAS, This determined athlete took up boxing at the age of
  12, initially hoping to learn how to defend herself; she grew to
  love the sport and embarked on a successful training regimen under
  the direction of her grandfather, Johnny Contreras, a former
  professional fighter; and
         WHEREAS, A senior at Ray High School, Ms. Contreras plans to
  continue boxing after graduation and will pursue her academic
  studies at Del Mar College; and
         WHEREAS, Through her hard work and enduring commitment to
  excellence, Dajia Contreras has become a source of tremendous pride
  to her community, and her accomplishments indeed merit special
  recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Dajia Contreras on becoming the
  first female Golden Gloves state boxing champion from Corpus
  Christi and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Contreras as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.