H.R. No. 2114
         WHEREAS, The staff of the Texas Legislative Council has
  worked diligently to meet the needs of the legislature over the
  course of this 140-day regular session; and
         WHEREAS, Led by executive director Jeff Archer and assistant
  executive director Kimberly Shields, the council staff is organized
  into five divisions--information systems, legal, research,
  document production, and administration--each of which specializes
  in specific areas of support; and
         WHEREAS, The council's information systems division provides
  a range of computer-related services to the legislative branch of
  state government; in addition to equipping member offices with PCs,
  iPads, printers, and software, the division maintains the network
  infrastructure for the Capitol community, develops applications,
  and offers comprehensive training and assistance in technical
  matters, lending its expertise through a variety of channels; and
         WHEREAS, The attorneys, legal assistants, editors, and
  support staff of the legal division help to craft proposed bills and
  constitutional amendments, substitutes, amendments, conference
  committee reports, and miscellaneous drafts and provide legal
  advice and analysis on request; the division's legal editing team
  also performs a dual role by carrying out the engrossing and
  enrolling duties for the house; and
         WHEREAS, The research division of the TLC is composed of
  policy issue researchers, statistical analysts, writers, editors,
  webmasters, mapmakers, and database specialists; during the
  session, these staffers produce numerous senate and house amendment
  and conference committee side-by-side analyses, bill analyses for
  house committees, and policy, congratulatory, and memorial
  resolutions; they also maintain Capweb and other useful websites;
         WHEREAS, Contributing to the council's efforts to serve the
  legislature are the members of the TLC document production staff;
  this division encompasses the data transcription, graphics,
  proofreading, print shop, and document processing sections, and
  over the course of the session, it produces and distributes
  thousands of drafts, house official printings, and other documents;
         WHEREAS, The council's diverse responsibilities are
  supported by the staff of the administration division, who keep the
  other divisions running smoothly through their efforts in the areas
  of human resources, accounting and purchasing, and assurance
  services; and
         WHEREAS, Council staff bring to their duties precision,
  creativity, knowledge, and technical expertise, serving the
  legislature and the citizens of this state with stamina and
  resilience as they meet the myriad challenges of a legislative
  session; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize the staff of the Texas Legislative
  Council for their work in behalf of the legislative branch of
  government and the Lone Star State; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the council staff as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 2114 was adopted by the House on May
  27, 2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House