WHEREAS, Cystic fibrosis, commonly referred to as CF, is a |
genetic disorder that affects an estimated 30,000 Americans; and |
WHEREAS, A progressive and life-threatening disease, CF |
impairs the function of the body's respiratory and digestive |
systems; in the United States, approximately 1,000 new cases are |
diagnosed each year, and more than 75 percent of patients with CF |
are diagnosed before the age of two; and |
WHEREAS, While CF remains a serious health concern around the |
globe, there have been significant gains in treatment; today, the |
median predicted survival age for persons with the disease is close |
to 40 years, a dramatic improvement since the 1950s, when children |
with CF rarely lived to attend elementary school; as a result of the |
medical advances, the number of adults living with the disease has |
steadily grown; and |
WHEREAS, Early diagnosis and treatment of CF can greatly |
enhance the quality of life and longevity of patients; in addition |
to employing a daily regimen of home care, patients can benefit from |
antibiotics and other innovative treatments that can help |
considerably in managing their symptoms; moreover, Texas is home to |
a number of world-class centers that specialize in the diagnosis of |
CF and the care of persons living with the disease; and |
WHEREAS, Public awareness is crucial to enabling more |
patients with CF to live longer, healthier lives, and Cystic |
Fibrosis Awareness Month in May provides an opportune time to |
promote education about the disease and to encourage support for |
additional research; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize May 2020 as Cystic Fibrosis Awareness |
Month and urge Texans to learn more about CF and to get involved in |
the effort to find a cure for this devastating disease. |