86R36931 MEW/KJE-D
  By: Huberty H.R. No. 2186
         BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State of
  Texas, 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, That House Rule 13,
  Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule 13,
  Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
  resolve the differences on House Bill 3 (public school finance and
  public education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing the
  imposition of a fee) to consider and take action on the following
         (1)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
  the committee to amend text not in disagreement in proposed SECTION
  1.004 of the bill, amending Section 25.084, Education Code, to read
  as follows:
         SECTION 1.004.  (a) Effective September 1, 2019, Section
  25.084(b), Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The operation of schools year-round by a district does
  not affect the amount of state funds to which the district is
  entitled under Chapter 48 [42].
         (b)  Effective September 1, 2020, Section 25.084, Education
  Code, is amended by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection
  (c) to read as follows:
         Explanation: The change is necessary to delay the
  implementation of certain provisions of Section 25.084, Education
         (2)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(3), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not in disagreement in
  proposed SECTION 1.009 of the bill, in added Section 45.0032(e),
  Education Code, to read as follows:
         (e)  For the 2019 tax year, Section 48.202(f) applies to a
  district's maintenance and operations tax rate after adjusting the
  district's rate in accordance with this section.  This subsection
  expires September 1, 2020.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to determine the
  application of Section 48.202(f), Education Code, to a school
  district's maintenance and operations tax rate for the 2019 tax
         (3)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
  the committee to amend text not in disagreement in proposed SECTION
  1.014 of the bill, adding Section 48.0051, Education Code, to read
  as follows:
         SECTION 1.014.  Effective September 1, 2020, Subchapter A,
  Chapter 48, Education Code, as added by this Act, is amended by
  adding Section 48.0051 to read as follows:
         Explanation: The change is necessary to delay the
  implementation of Section 48.0051, Education Code.
         (4)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(3), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not in disagreement in SECTION
  1.014 of the bill, in added Section 48.0051, Education Code, to read
  as follows:
         (f)  A school district or open-enrollment charter school may
  use funding attributable to the incentive provided under this
  section to pay costs associated with providing academic instruction
  in a voluntary summer program for students enrolled in the district
  or school.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to allow school
  districts and open-enrollment charter schools to use certain
  funding to pay costs associated with certain summer programs.
         (5)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
  the committee to amend text not in disagreement in proposed SECTION
  1.015 of the bill, in transferred, redesignated, and amended
  Sections 48.006(a) and (c), Education Code, to read as follows:
         (a)  The [From funds specifically appropriated for the
  purpose or other funds available to the commissioner for that
  purpose, the] commissioner may [shall] adjust the average daily
  attendance of a school district all or part of which is located in
  an area declared a disaster area by the governor under Chapter 418,
  Government Code, if the district experiences a decline in average
  daily attendance that is reasonably attributable to the impact of
  the disaster.
         (c)  The commissioner may [shall] make the adjustment under
  [required by] this section for the two-year period following the
  date of the governor's initial proclamation or executive order
  declaring the state of disaster.
         Explanation: The changes are necessary to give the
  commissioner discretion in adjusting the average daily attendance
  of a school district located wholly or partly  in a disaster area.
         (6)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(3), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not in disagreement in
  proposed SECTION 1.019 of the bill, in added Sections 48.011(a-1),
  (b), and (d), Education Code, to read as follows:
         (a-1)  The commissioner may modify dates relating to the
  adoption of a school district's maintenance and operations tax rate
  and, if applicable, an election required for the district to adopt
  that rate as necessary to implement the changes made by H.B. 3, 86th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2019.
         (b)  Before making an adjustment under Subsection (a) or
  (a-1), the commissioner shall notify and must receive approval from
  the Legislative Budget Board and the office of the governor.
         (d)  Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, the
  commissioner may not make an adjustment under Subsection (a) or
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to permit the
  commissioner to modify dates relating to a school district's
  maintenance and operations tax rate after receiving approval from
  the Legislative Budget Board and the office of the governor until
  the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
         (7)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(3), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not in disagreement in
  proposed SECTION 1.021 of the bill, in transferred, redesignated,
  and amended Section 48.051, Education Code, to read as follows:
         (d)  In this section, "compensation" includes benefits such
  as insurance premiums.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to include benefits in
  the definition of "compensation."
         (8)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(3), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not in disagreement in
  proposed SECTION 1.024 of the bill, in added Section 48.101,
  Education Code, to read as follows:
         (d)  Instead of the allotment under Subsection (b) or (c)(1),
  a school district that has fewer than 300 students in average daily
  attendance and is the only school district located in and operating
  in a county is entitled to an annual allotment for each student in
  average daily attendance based on the following formula:
  AA = ((1,600 - ADA) X .00047) X BA
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to provide an
  allotment for school districts with fewer than 300 students in
  average daily attendance that are the only district located in and
  operating in a county.
         (9)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
  the committee to amend text not in disagreement in proposed SECTION
  1.025 of the bill, in transferred, redesignated, and amended
  Section 48.102(h), Education Code, to read as follows:
         (h)  At least 55 percent of the funds [Funds] allocated under
  this section[, other than an indirect cost allotment established
  under State Board of Education rule,] must be used in the special
  education program under Subchapter A, Chapter 29.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to require a certain
  percentage of funding provided by the special education allotment
  to be used for a special education program under Subchapter A,
  Chapter 29, Education Code.
         (10)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not included in either the
  house or senate version of the bill by adding the following new
  language to proposed SECTION 1.031 of the bill:
  conduct a study on alternative career readiness measures for small
  and rural school districts to determine if annual graduates
  demonstrate career readiness under Section 48.110(f)(2)(B).
         (b)  Not later than January 1, 2021, the agency shall submit
  to the legislature a report on the results of the study and any
  recommendations for legislative or other action.
         (c)  This section expires September 1, 2021.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to require a study on
  alternative career readiness measures for small and rural school
  districts to determine if annual graduates demonstrate career
         (11)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(3), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not in disagreement in
  proposed SECTION 1.031 of the bill, in added Section 48.112(g),
  Education Code, to read as follows:
         (g)  A district is entitled to receive an increased allotment
  under this section in the amount necessary for reimbursement for
  any fees paid under Section 21.3521.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to permit a school
  district to receive an allotment in an amount necessary for
  reimbursement for fees paid under Section 21.3521, Education Code.
         (12)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(3), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not in disagreement in
  proposed SECTION 1.038 of the bill, in transferred, redesignated,
  and amended Section 48.202, Education Code, to read as follows:
         (f-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (f), for the 2019-2020
  school year, the reduction of a school district's tax rate required
  under Subsection (f) applies to the district's total enrichment tax
  rate under Section 45.0032(b) minus eight cents. This subsection
  expires September 1, 2020.
         Explanation:  The addition is necessary to determine the
  portion of a school district's enrichment tax rate to which the
  reduction required under Section 48.202(f-1), Education Code,
  applies for the 2019-2020 school year.
         (13) House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(3), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not in disagreement in
  proposed SECTION 1.040 of the bill, in transferred, redesignated
  and amended Section 48.256, Education Code, to read as follows:
         (d)  This subsection applies to a school district in which
  the board of trustees entered into a written agreement with a
  property owner under Section 313.027, Tax Code, for the
  implementation of a limitation on appraised value under Subchapter
  B or C, Chapter 313, Tax Code. For purposes of determining "DPV"
  under Subsection (a) for a school district to which this subsection
  applies, the commissioner shall exclude a portion of the market
  value of property not otherwise fully taxable by the district under
  Subchapter B or C, Chapter 313, Tax Code, before the expiration of
  the subchapter. The comptroller shall provide information to the
  agency necessary for this subsection. A revenue protection payment
  required as part of an agreement for a limitation on appraised value
  shall be based on the district's taxable value of property for the
  preceding tax year.
         (e)  Subsection (d) does not apply to property that was the
  subject of an application under Subchapter B or C, Chapter 313, Tax
  Code, made after May 1, 2009, that the comptroller recommended
  should be disapproved. [A school district must raise its total
  local share of the Foundation School Program to be eligible to
  receive foundation school fund payments.]
         Explanation:  The addition is necessary to determine "DPV"
  for a school district that has entered into an agreement for the
  implementation of a limitation on appraised value under Subchapter
  B or C, Chapter 313, Tax Code.
         (14) House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
  the committee to amend text not in disagreement in proposed SECTION
  1.041 of the bill, in added Sections 48.257(a) and (b), Education
  Code, to read as follows:
         (a)  Subject to Subsection (b), if a school district's tier
  one local share under Section 48.256 exceeds the district's
  entitlement under Section 48.266(a)(1) less the district's
  distribution from the state available school fund, the district
  must reduce the district's tier one revenue level in accordance
  with Chapter 49 to a level not to exceed the district's entitlement
  under Section 48.266(a)(1) less the district's distribution from
  the state available school fund.
         (b)  This subsection applies only to a school district to
  which Subsection (a) applies. If a district's maintenance and
  operations tax collections from the tax rate described by Section
  45.0032(a) for the current tax year minus the required reduction in
  a district's tier one revenue level under Subsection (a) results in
  an amount that is less than the amount of the district's entitlement
  under Section 48.266(a)(1) less the district's distribution from
  the state available school fund, the agency shall adjust the amount
  of the reduction required in the district's tier one revenue level
  under Subsection (a) up to the amount of local funds necessary for
  the district's entitlement under Section 48.266(a)(1) less the
  district's distribution from the state available school fund.
         Explanation:  The change is necessary to determine the amount
  by which a school district is required to reduce the district's
  local revenue level under Section 48.257(a), Education Code, to a
  level not to exceed the district's entitlement less the district's
  distribution from the state available school fund.
         (15)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not included in either the
  house or senate version of the bill by adding the following new
  SECTION to proposed ARTICLE 1 of the bill:
         SECTION 1.046.  Subchapter G, Chapter 48, Education Code, as
  added by this Act, is amended by adding Section 48.302 to read as
  "commission" means the Texas Workforce Commission.
         (b)  The agency shall enter into a memorandum of
  understanding with the commission for the agency to transfer to the
  commission funds specifically appropriated to the agency for the
  commission to provide to an individual who is 21 years of age or
  older a subsidy in an amount equal to the cost of taking one high
  school equivalency examination administered under Section 7.111.
         (c)  The commission shall adopt rules to implement the
  subsidy program described by Subsection (b), including rules
  regarding eligibility requirements.
         Explanation:  The addition is necessary to provide for a
  subsidy for certain individuals to take a high school equivalency
         (16)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not included in either the
  house or senate version of the bill by adding proposed SECTION 1.061
  to the bill, amending Section 403.302(d), Government Code, to read
  as follows:
         SECTION 1.061.  Section 403.302(d), Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (d)  For the purposes of this section, "taxable value" means
  the market value of all taxable property less:
               (1)  the total dollar amount of any residence homestead
  exemptions lawfully granted under Section 11.13(b) or (c), Tax
  Code, in the year that is the subject of the study for each school
               (2)  one-half of the total dollar amount of any
  residence homestead exemptions granted under Section 11.13(n), Tax
  Code, in the year that is the subject of the study for each school
               (3)  the total dollar amount of any exemptions granted
  before May 31, 1993, within a reinvestment zone under agreements
  authorized by Chapter 312, Tax Code;
               (4)  subject to Subsection (e), the total dollar amount
  of any captured appraised value of property that:
                     (A)  is within a reinvestment zone created on or
  before May 31, 1999, or is proposed to be included within the
  boundaries of a reinvestment zone as the boundaries of the zone and
  the proposed portion of tax increment paid into the tax increment
  fund by a school district are described in a written notification
  provided by the municipality or the board of directors of the zone
  to the governing bodies of the other taxing units in the manner
  provided by former Section 311.003(e), Tax Code, before May 31,
  1999, and within the boundaries of the zone as those boundaries
  existed on September 1, 1999, including subsequent improvements to
  the property regardless of when made;
                     (B)  generates taxes paid into a tax increment
  fund created under Chapter 311, Tax Code, under a reinvestment zone
  financing plan approved under Section 311.011(d), Tax Code, on or
  before September 1, 1999; and
                     (C)  is eligible for tax increment financing under
  Chapter 311, Tax Code;
               (5)  the total dollar amount of any captured appraised
  value of property that:
                     (A)  is within a reinvestment zone:
                           (i)  created on or before December 31, 2008,
  by a municipality with a population of less than 18,000; and
                           (ii)  the project plan for which includes
  the alteration, remodeling, repair, or reconstruction of a
  structure that is included on the National Register of Historic
  Places and requires that a portion of the tax increment of the zone
  be used for the improvement or construction of related facilities
  or for affordable housing;
                     (B)  generates school district taxes that are paid
  into a tax increment fund created under Chapter 311, Tax Code; and
                     (C)  is eligible for tax increment financing under
  Chapter 311, Tax Code;
               (6)  the total dollar amount of any exemptions granted
  under Section 11.251 or 11.253, Tax Code;
               (7)  the difference between the comptroller's estimate
  of the market value and the productivity value of land that
  qualifies for appraisal on the basis of its productive capacity,
  except that the productivity value estimated by the comptroller may
  not exceed the fair market value of the land;
               (8)  the portion of the appraised value of residence
  homesteads of individuals who receive a tax limitation under
  Section 11.26, Tax Code, on which school district taxes are not
  imposed in the year that is the subject of the study, calculated as
  if the residence homesteads were appraised at the full value
  required by law;
               (9)  a portion of the market value of property not
  otherwise fully taxable by the district at market value because
                     [(A)]  action required by statute or the
  constitution of this state, other than Section 11.311, Tax Code,
  that, if the tax rate adopted by the district is applied to it,
  produces an amount equal to the difference between the tax that the
  district would have imposed on the property if the property were
  fully taxable at market value and the tax that the district is
  actually authorized to impose on the property, if this subsection
  does not otherwise require that portion to be deducted; [or
                     [(B)     action taken by the district under
  Subchapter B or C, Chapter 313, Tax Code, before the expiration of
  the subchapter;]
               (10)  the market value of all tangible personal
  property, other than manufactured homes, owned by a family or
  individual and not held or used for the production of income;
               (11)  the appraised value of property the collection of
  delinquent taxes on which is deferred under Section 33.06, Tax
               (12)  the portion of the appraised value of property
  the collection of delinquent taxes on which is deferred under
  Section 33.065, Tax Code; and
               (13)  the amount by which the market value of a
  residence homestead to which Section 23.23, Tax Code, applies
  exceeds the appraised value of that property as calculated under
  that section.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to remove from the
  definition of "taxable value" a portion of the market value of
  certain property.
         (17)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not included in either the
  house or senate version of the bill by adding proposed SECTION
  1A.001 to the bill, amending Section 13.054, Education Code, to
  read as follows:
         SECTION 1A.001.  Effective September 1, 2020, Section
  13.054, Education Code, is amended by amending Subsection (f) and
  adding Subsection (f-1) to read as follows:
         (f)  For five years beginning with the school year in which
  the annexation occurs, a school district shall receive additional
  funding under this subsection or Subsection (h). The amount of
  funding shall be determined by multiplying the lesser of the
  enlarged district's local fund assignment computed under Section
  48.256 [42.252] or the enlarged district's total cost of tier one by
  a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of students
  residing in the territory annexed to the receiving district
  preceding the date of the annexation and the denominator of which is
  the number of students residing in the district as enlarged on the
  date of the annexation, and multiplying the resulting product by
  the quotient of the enlarged district's maximum compressed tax
  rate, as determined under Section 48.2551, for the current school
  year divided by the receiving district's maximum compressed tax
  rate, as determined under Section 48.2551, for the year in which the
  annexation occurred.
         (f-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (f), for an annexation
  that occurred before September 1, 2019, for five years beginning
  with the school year in which the annexation occurs, a school
  district shall receive additional funding under this subsection or
  Subsection (h). The amount of funding shall be determined by
  multiplying the lesser of the enlarged district's local fund
  assignment computed under Section 48.256 or the enlarged district's
  total cost of tier one by a fraction, the numerator of which is the
  number of students residing in the territory annexed to the
  receiving district preceding the date of the annexation and the
  denominator of which is the number of students residing in the
  district as enlarged on the date of the annexation, and dividing the
  receiving district's maximum compressed tax rate, as determined
  under Section 48.2551. This subsection expires September 1, 2021.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to determine an
  additional amount of funding to which a district to which territory
  is annexed under Section 13.054, Education Code, is entitled
  beginning September 1, 2020.
         (18)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not included in either the
  house or senate version of the bill by adding the following new
  language to SECTION 1A.007 of the bill:
  (a)  The Legislative Budget Board, in conjunction with other
  appropriate state agencies, shall study possible methods of
  providing property tax relief through the reduction of school
  district maintenance and operations taxes.  The study must
               (1)  potential sources of revenue that may be used to
  reduce school district maintenance and operations taxes;
               (2)  methods of limiting increases in maintenance and
  operations tax revenue that adjust for enrollment growth,
  inflation, and other relevant factors; and
               (3)  for each method of providing property tax relief
                     (A)  any difference in anticipated benefits to
  property taxpayers based on the school district in which the
  taxpayer resides;
                     (B)  the cost to the state; and
                     (C)  the anticipated impact on equity in the
  public school finance system.
         (b)  Not later than September 1, 2020, the Legislative Budget
  Board shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and
  the speaker of the house of representatives a report on the results
  of the study and any recommendations for legislative or other
         (c)  This section expires September 1, 2021.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to require a study on
  methods of providing property tax relief through the reduction of
  school district maintenance and operations taxes.
         (19)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not included in either the
  house or senate version of the bill by adding proposed SECTION 2.005
  to the bill, adding Section 21.048(a-2), Education Code, to read as
         SECTION 2.005.  Section 21.048, Education Code, is amended
  by adding Subsection (a-2) to read as follows:
         (a-2)  The board shall adopt rules that provide that in order
  to teach any grade level from prekindergarten through grade six a
  person must demonstrate proficiency in the science of teaching
  reading on a certification examination for each class of
  certificate issued by the board after January 1, 2021.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to require the State
  Board for Educator Certification to adopt rules requiring certain
  teachers to demonstrate proficiency in the science of teaching
  reading on a certification examination.
         (20)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not included in either the
  house or senate version of the bill by adding proposed SECTION 2.008
  to the bill, adding Section 21.3521, Education Code, to read as
         SECTION 2.008.  Subchapter H, Chapter 21, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 21.3521 to read as follows:
  (a) Subject to Subsection (b), a school district or open-enrollment
  charter school may designate a certified classroom teacher as a
  master, exemplary, or recognized teacher for a five-year period
  based on the results from single year or multiyear appraisals that
  comply with Section 21.351 or 21.352.
         (b)  The commissioner shall establish performance and
  validity standards for each local optional teacher designation
  system. The performance standards:
               (1)  must provide a mathematical possibility that all
  teachers eligible for a designation may earn the designation; and
               (2)  may not require a district to use an assessment
  instrument adopted under Section 39.023 to evaluate teacher
         (c)  Notwithstanding performance standards established
  under Subsection (b), a classroom teacher that holds a National
  Board Certification issued by the National Board for Professional
  Teaching Standards may be designated as recognized.
         (d)  The commissioner shall:
               (1)  ensure that local optional teacher designation
                     (A)  meet the requirements of this section; and
                     (B)  prioritize high needs campuses; and
               (2)  enter into a memorandum of understanding with
  Texas Tech University to monitor the quality and fairness of local
  optional teacher designation systems.
         (e)  The agency shall develop and provide technical
  assistance for school districts and open-enrollment charter
  schools that request assistance in implementing a local optional
  teacher designation system, including assistance in prioritizing
  high needs campuses.
         (f)  A teacher has no vested property right in a teacher
  designation assigned to the teacher under this section. A teacher
  designation issued under this section is void in the determination
  that the designation was issued improperly. Subchapters C through
  H, Chapter 2001, Government Code, do not apply to the voiding of a
  teacher designation under this subsection.
         (g)  The agency shall periodically conduct evaluations of
  the effectiveness of the local optional teacher designation systems
  under this section and the teacher incentive allotment under
  Section 48.112 and report the results of the evaluations to the
  legislature. A school district or open-enrollment charter school
  that has implemented a local optional teacher designation system or
  received funds under the teacher incentive allotment shall
  participate in the evaluations.
         (h)  The agency shall collect information necessary to
  implement this section. Information otherwise confidential remains
  confidential and is not subject to Chapter 552, Government Code.
         (i)  The commissioner may adopt fees to implement this
  section. A fee adopted by the agency under this section is not
  subject to Sections 2001.0045 and 2001.0221, Government Code.
         (j)  The commissioner may adopt rules to implement this
  section. A decision made by the commissioner under this section is
  final and may not be appealed.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to permit school
  districts and open-enrollment charter schools to develop local
  optional teacher designation systems.
         (21)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
  the committee to amend text not in disagreement in proposed SECTION
  2.011 of the bill, adding Section 25.085(i), Education Code, to
  read as follows:
         SECTION 2.011.  Effective September 1, 2020, Section 25.085,
  Education Code, is amended by adding Subsection (i) to read as
         Explanation: The change is necessary to delay the
  implementation of Section 25.085(i), Education Code.
         (22)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not included in either the
  house or senate version of the bill by adding the following new
  SECTION to proposed ARTICLE 2 of the bill:
         SECTION 2.013.  Subchapter A, Chapter 28, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 28.0062 to read as follows:
  THIRD GRADE. (a) Each school district and open-enrollment charter
  school shall:
               (1)  provide for the use of a phonics curriculum that
  uses systematic direct instruction in kindergarten through third
  grade to ensure all students obtain necessary early literacy
               (2)  ensure that:
                     (A)  not later than the 2021-2022 school year,
  each classroom teacher in kindergarten or first, second, or third
  grade and each principal at a campus with kindergarten or first,
  second, or third grade has attended a teacher literacy achievement
  academy developed under Section 21.4552; and
                     (B)  each classroom teacher and each principal
  initially employed in a grade level or at a campus described by
  Paragraph (A) for the 2021-2022 school year or a subsequent school
  year has attended a teacher literacy achievement academy developed
  under Section 21.4552 before the teacher's or principal's first
  year of placement in that grade level or campus; and
               (3)  certify to the agency that the district or school:
                     (A)  prioritizes placement of highly effective
  teachers in kindergarten through second grade; and
                     (B)  has integrated reading instruments used to
  diagnose reading development and comprehension to support each
  student in prekindergarten through third grade.
         (b)  The agency shall provide assistance to school districts
  and open-enrollment charter schools in complying with the
  requirements under this section.
         (c)  The agency shall:
               (1)  monitor the implementation of this section; and
               (2)  periodically report to the legislature on the
  implementation of this section and the effectiveness of this
  section in improving educational outcomes.
         (d)  The commissioner shall establish an advisory board to
  assist the agency in fulfilling the agency's duties under this
  section. Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the
  advisory board.
         (e)  The commissioner may adopt rules to implement this
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to provide reading
  standards for kindergarten through third grade.
         (23)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not included in either the
  house or senate version of the bill in proposed SECTION 4.001 of the
  bill by repealing Section 403.302(m), Government Code.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to repeal Section
  403.302(m), Government Code, which is no longer necessary with the
  addition of Section 48.256(e), Education Code.
         (24)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(3), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not in disagreement in
  proposed SECTION 5.002 of the bill, in the transition language, to
  read as follows:
         SECTION 5.002.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act,
  Section 26.08, Tax Code, as amended by this Act, applies beginning
  with the 2019 tax year. A school district is required to calculate
  the district's rollback tax rate for the 2019 tax year in the manner
  provided by Section 26.08, Tax Code, as amended by this Act,
  regardless of whether the district has already calculated that rate
  or adopted a tax rate for the 2019 tax year before September 1,
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to ensure a school
  district calculates the district's rollback tax rate for the 2019
  tax year in accordance with Section 26.08, Tax Code, as amended by
  this bill.