By: Zaffirini S.B. No. 1426
  (Thompson of Harris)
  relating to the establishment by a county of public guardians for
  certain incapacitated persons and funding for guardianships by
  public guardians and related services.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 1002, Estates Code, is amended by adding
  Sections 1002.0215 and 1002.0265 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1002.0215.  OFFICE OF PUBLIC GUARDIAN. "Office of
  public guardian" means an office of public guardian established by
  the commissioners court of a county under Subchapter G-1, Chapter
         Sec. 1002.0265.  PUBLIC GUARDIAN. "Public guardian" means a
               (1)  appointed to administer an office of public
  guardian by the commissioners court of a county under Subchapter
  G-1, Chapter 1104; or
               (2)  with which one or more counties enter into an
  agreement under Section 1104.327(a)(2) or (d).
         SECTION 2.  Section 1104.251(a), Estates Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  An individual must be certified under Subchapter C,
  Chapter 155, Government Code, if the individual:
               (1)  is a private professional guardian;
               (2)  will represent the interests of a ward as a
  guardian on behalf of a private professional guardian;
               (3)  is providing guardianship services to a ward of a
  guardianship program on the program's behalf, except as provided by
  Section 1104.254; [or]
               (4)  is an employee of the Health and Human Services
  Commission [Department of Aging and Disability Services] providing
  guardianship services to a ward of the commission;
               (5)  is a public guardian; or
               (6)  will represent the interests of a ward as a
  guardian on behalf of a public guardian [department].
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 1104, Estates Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter G-1 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1104.326.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, unless the
  context otherwise requires, "office" means an office of public
  guardian established under this subchapter.
  (a)  The commissioners court of a county by order may:
               (1)  create an office of public guardian to provide
  guardianship services described by Section 1104.334 to
  incapacitated persons; or
               (2)  enter into an agreement with a person operating a
  nonprofit guardianship program or private professional
  guardianship program located in the county or in an adjacent county
  to act as a public guardian by providing guardianship services
  described by Section 1104.334 to incapacitated persons.
         (b)  Subject to Subsection (c) and Section 1104.328, the
  commissioners court of a county shall appoint an individual as
  public guardian to administer the office of public guardian
  established under Subsection (a)(1) and may employ or authorize the
  public guardian to employ personnel necessary to perform the duties
  of the office, including personnel who will represent the interests
  of a ward as a guardian on behalf of the office if approved by the
  commissioners court.
         (c)  The commissioners court of a county may enter into an
  agreement with an individual to act as public guardian under
  Subsection (b) on a part-time basis with appropriate compensation
               (1)  the commissioners court determines a full-time
  appointment does not serve the needs of the county; and
               (2)  the individual who is appointed on a part-time
  basis is not employed in or does not hold another position that
  presents a conflict of interest.
         (d)  The commissioners courts of two or more counties may
  collectively enter into an agreement:
               (1)  to create and fund an office of public guardian for
  purposes of Subsection (a)(1) and to appoint the same individual as
  public guardian to that office under Subsection (b); or
               (2)  with a person operating a guardianship program
  described by Subsection (a)(2) to serve as a public guardian for
  purposes of that subdivision.
         (e)  An individual appointed as public guardian under
  Subsection (b) serves a term of five years.
         Sec. 1104.328.  QUALIFICATIONS OF PUBLIC GUARDIAN. To be
  appointed as public guardian under Section 1104.327(b), an
  individual must:
               (1)  be a licensed attorney or be certified under
  Subchapter C, Chapter 155, Government Code; and
               (2)  have demonstrable guardianship experience.
         Sec. 1104.329.  CONFLICT OF INTEREST. (a)  Except as
  provided by Subsection (b), an office or public guardian must be
  independent from providers of services to wards and proposed wards
  and may not directly provide housing, medical, legal, or other
  direct, non-surrogate decision-making services to a ward or
  proposed ward, unless approved by the court.
         (b)  An office or public guardian may provide money
  management services described by Section 531.125, Government Code,
  or other representative payee services to a ward or proposed ward.
         Sec. 1104.330.  COMPENSATION. A person appointed or acting
  as public guardian under Section 1104.327 shall receive
  compensation as set by the commissioners court and is not entitled
  to compensation under Subchapter A, Chapter 1155, unless approved
  by the court or the person is appointed as guardian of a ward in
  accordance with Section 1104.334(a)(2)(B).
         Sec. 1104.331.  BOND REQUIREMENT. (a)  A public guardian
  shall file with the court clerk a general bond in an amount fixed by
  the commissioners court payable to the county and issued by a surety
  company approved by the county judge. The bond must be conditioned
  on the faithful performance by the person of the person's duties
  and, if the public guardian administers an office, the office's
         (b)  The bond required by this section satisfies any bond
  required under Chapter 1105.
         Sec. 1104.332.  VACANCY. If an individual appointed as
  public guardian under Section 1104.327(b) vacates the position, the
  commissioners court shall appoint, subject to Section 1104.328, an
  individual to serve as public guardian for the unexpired term.
         Sec. 1104.333.  POWERS AND DUTIES. (a)  An office or public
  guardian shall:
               (1)  if applicable, evaluate the financial status of a
  proposed ward to determine whether the proposed ward is eligible to
  have the office or public guardian appointed guardian of the ward
  under Section 1104.334(a)(2)(A); and
               (2)  serve as guardian of the person or of the estate of
  a ward, or both, on appointment by a court in accordance with the
  requirements of this title.
         (b)  In connection with a financial evaluation under
  Subsection (a)(1) and on the request of an office or public
  guardian, a court with jurisdiction over the guardianship
  proceeding may order the release of public and private records,
  including otherwise confidential records, to the office or public
         (c)  Notwithstanding Section 552.261, Government Code, a
  state agency may not charge an office or public guardian for
  providing the office or public guardian with a copy of public
  information requested from the agency by the office or public
  GUARDIAN. (a)  In accordance with applicable law, including
  Subchapter C, Chapter 1101, a court may appoint an office or public
  guardian to serve as guardian of the person or of the estate of a
  ward, or both, if:
               (1)  on the date the guardianship application is filed,
  the ward resides in or is located in the county served by the office
  or public guardian; and
               (2)  the court finds that the ward:
                     (A)  does not have sufficient assets or other
  resources to pay a private professional guardian to serve as the
  ward's guardian and the appointment is in the ward's best interest;
                     (B)  has sufficient assets or other resources to
  pay a private professional guardian to serve as the ward's
  guardian, the appointment is in the ward's best interest, and:
                           (i)  the ward's family members who are
  eligible for appointment as the ward's guardian agree to the
  appointment of an office or public guardian to serve as the ward's
  guardian or are unable to agree on the person or persons that should
  be appointed as the ward's guardian; or
                           (ii)  the ward does not have a family member,
  friend, or other suitable person willing and able to serve as the
  ward's guardian.
         (b)  For purposes of Subsection (a)(2), the determination of
  a ward's ability to pay a private professional guardian is
  dependent on:
               (1)  the nature, extent, and liquidity of the ward's
               (2)  the ward's disposable net income, including income
  of a recipient of medical assistance that is used to pay expenses
  under Section 1155.202(a);
               (3)  the nature of the guardianship;
               (4)  the type, duration, and complexity of services
  required by the ward; and
               (5)  additional, foreseeable expenses.
         (c)  The number of appointments of an office under this
  section may not exceed 35 wards for each guardian representing the
  interests of wards on behalf of the office.
         (d)  If each guardian representing the interests of wards on
  behalf of an office reaches the limitation provided by Subsection
  (c), the office shall immediately give notice to the courts.
  INFORMATION. (a)  All files, reports, records, communications, or
  working papers used or developed by an office or public guardian in
  the performance of duties relating to a financial evaluation under
  Section 1104.333(a)(1) or the provision of guardianship services
  are confidential and not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552,
  Government Code.
         (b)  Confidential information may be disclosed only for a
  purpose consistent with this subchapter, as required by other state
  or federal law, or as necessary to enable an office or public
  guardian to exercise the powers and duties as guardian of the person
  or of the estate of a ward, or both.
         (c)  A court on its own motion or on the motion of an
  interested person may order disclosure of confidential information
  only if:
               (1)  a hearing on the motion is conducted;
               (2)  notice of the hearing is served on the office or
  public guardian and each interested person; and
               (3)  the court determines after the hearing and an in
  camera review of the information that disclosure is essential to
  the administration of justice and will not endanger the life or
  safety of any individual who:
                     (A)  is being assessed for guardianship services;
                     (B)  is a ward of the office or public guardian; or
                     (C)  provides services to a ward of the office or
  public guardian.
         (d)  The Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial
  System shall establish policies and procedures for the exchange of
  information between offices, public guardians, and other
  appropriate governmental entities, as necessary for offices,
  public guardians, and governmental entities to properly execute
  their respective duties and responsibilities relating to
  guardianship services or other needed services for a ward. An
  exchange of information under this subsection does not constitute a
  release for purposes of waiving the confidentiality of the
  information exchanged.
         (e)  To the extent consistent with policies and procedures
  adopted by an office or public guardian, the office or public
  guardian on request may release confidential information in the
  record of an individual who is a former ward of the office or public
  guardian to:
               (1)  the individual;
               (2)  the individual's guardian; or
               (3)  an executor or administrator of the individual's
         (f)  Before releasing confidential information under
  Subsection (e), an office or public guardian shall edit the
  information to protect the identity of any individual whose life or
  safety may be endangered by the release. A release of information
  under Subsection (e) does not constitute a release for purposes of
  waiving the confidentiality of the information released.
         Sec. 1104.336.  CERTAIN ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. (a)  If an
  office or public guardian is appointed guardian of the person or of
  the estate of a ward, or both, the administrative costs of the
  guardianship services provided to the ward may not be charged to the
  ward's estate unless the court determines, subject to Subsection
  (b), that the ward is financially able to pay all or part of the
         (b)  A court shall measure a ward's ability to pay for costs
  under Subsection (a) by whether the ward has sufficient assets or
  other resources to pay a private professional guardian to serve as
  the ward's guardian in accordance with Section 1104.334(b).
  JUDICIAL SYSTEM; REPORT. (a)  Not later than December 1 of each
  even-numbered year, the Office of Court Administration of the Texas
  Judicial System shall submit a report to the governor and the
  legislature that contains an evaluation of public guardians
  established under this subchapter, including the establishment and
  operation of offices of public guardians under this subchapter and
  the provision of guardianship services by the offices. The report
  must include:
               (1)  an analysis of costs and offsetting savings or
  other benefits to the state as a result of the establishment and
  operation of offices and public guardians under this subchapter;
               (2)  recommendations for legislation, if any.
         (b)  If it is cost-effective and feasible, the Office of
  Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System may contract with
  an appropriate research or public policy entity with expertise in
  gerontology, disabilities, and public administration to conduct
  the analysis described by Subsection (a)(1).
         Sec. 1104.338.  RULES. The supreme court, in consultation
  with the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial
  System and the presiding judge of the statutory probate courts
  elected under Section 25.0022, Government Code, shall adopt rules
  necessary to implement this subchapter.
         SECTION 4.  Section 1104.402(a), Estates Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Section 1104.403, 1104.404, or
  1104.406(a), the clerk of the county having venue of the proceeding
  for the appointment of a guardian shall obtain criminal history
  record information that is maintained by the Department of Public
  Safety or the Federal Bureau of Investigation identification
  division relating to:
               (1)  a private professional guardian;
               (2)  each person who represents or plans to represent
  the interests of a ward as a guardian on behalf of the private
  professional guardian;
               (3)  each person employed by a private professional
  guardian who will:
                     (A)  have personal contact with a ward or proposed
                     (B)  exercise control over and manage a ward's
  estate; or
                     (C)  perform any duties with respect to the
  management of a ward's estate;
               (4)  each person employed by or volunteering or
  contracting with a guardianship program to provide guardianship
  services to a ward of the program on the program's behalf; [or]
               (5)  a public guardian appointed under Section
               (6)  each person who represents or plans to represent
  the interests of a ward as a guardian on behalf of an office of
  public guardian;
               (7)  each person employed by an office of public
  guardian who will:
                     (A)  have personal contact with a ward or proposed
                     (B)  exercise control over and manage a ward's
  estate; or
                     (C)  perform any duties with respect to the
  management of a ward's estate; or
               (8)  any other person proposed to serve as a guardian
  under this title, including a proposed temporary guardian and a
  proposed successor guardian, other than an attorney.
         SECTION 5.  Section 1104.409, Estates Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 1104.409.  USE OF INFORMATION BY COURT. The court shall
  use the information obtained under this subchapter only in
  determining whether to:
               (1)  appoint, remove, or continue the appointment of a
  private professional guardian, a guardianship program, an office of
  public guardian, or the Health and Human Services Commission
  [department]; or
               (2)  appoint any other person proposed to serve as a
  guardian under this title, including a proposed temporary guardian
  and a proposed successor guardian, other than an attorney.
         SECTION 6.  Section 1155.151(a-2), Estates Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a-2)  Notwithstanding any other law requiring the payment
  of court costs in a guardianship proceeding, the following are not
  required to pay court costs on the filing of or during a
  guardianship proceeding:
               (1)  an attorney ad litem;
               (2)  a guardian ad litem;
               (3)  a person or entity who files an affidavit of
  inability to pay the costs under Rule 145, Texas Rules of Civil
  Procedure, that shows the person or entity is unable to afford the
               (4)  a nonprofit guardianship program;
               (5)  a governmental entity, including an office of
  public guardian; and
               (6)  a government agency or nonprofit agency providing
  guardianship services.
         SECTION 7.  Section 1163.005(a), Estates Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The guardian of the estate shall attach to an account
  the guardian's affidavit stating:
               (1)  that the account contains a correct and complete
  statement of the matters to which the account relates;
               (2)  that the guardian has paid the bond premium for the
  next accounting period;
               (3)  that the guardian has filed all tax returns of the
  ward due during the accounting period;
               (4)  that the guardian has paid all taxes the ward owed
  during the accounting period, the amount of the taxes, the date the
  guardian paid the taxes, and the name of the governmental entity to
  which the guardian paid the taxes; and
               (5)  if the guardian is a private professional
  guardian, a guardianship program, an office of public guardian, or
  the Health and Human Services Commission [Department of Aging and
  Disability Services], whether the guardian or an individual
  certified under Subchapter C, Chapter 155 [111], Government Code,
  who is providing guardianship services to the ward and who is
  swearing to the account on the guardian's behalf, is or has been the
  subject of an investigation conducted by the Judicial Branch
  [Guardianship] Certification Commission [Board] during the
  accounting period.
         SECTION 8.  Section 1163.101(c), Estates Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  The guardian of the person shall file a sworn affidavit
  that contains:
               (1)  the guardian's current name, address, and
  telephone number;
               (2)  the ward's date of birth and current name, address,
  telephone number, and age;
               (3)  a description of the type of home in which the ward
  resides, which shall be described as:
                     (A)  the ward's own home;
                     (B)  a nursing home;
                     (C)  a guardian's home;
                     (D)  a foster home;
                     (E)  a boarding home;
                     (F)  a relative's home, in which case the
  description must specify the relative's relationship to the ward;
                     (G)  a hospital or medical facility; or
                     (H)  another type of residence;
               (4)  statements indicating:
                     (A)  the length of time the ward has resided in the
  present home;
                     (B)  the reason for a change in the ward's
  residence, if a change in the ward's residence has occurred in the
  past year;
                     (C)  the date the guardian most recently saw the
                     (D)  how frequently the guardian has seen the ward
  in the past year;
                     (E)  whether the guardian has possession or
  control of the ward's estate;
                     (F)  whether the ward's mental health has
  improved, deteriorated, or remained unchanged during the past year,
  including a description of the change if a change has occurred;
                     (G)  whether the ward's physical health has
  improved, deteriorated, or remained unchanged during the past year,
  including a description of the change if a change has occurred;
                     (H)  whether the ward has regular medical care;
                     (I)  the ward's treatment or evaluation by any of
  the following persons during the past year, including the person's
  name and a description of the treatment:
                           (i)  a physician;
                           (ii)  a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other
  mental health care provider;
                           (iii)  a dentist;
                           (iv)  a social or other caseworker; or
                           (v)  any other individual who provided
               (5)  a description of the ward's activities during the
  past year, including recreational, educational, social, and
  occupational activities, or a statement that no activities were
  available or that the ward was unable or refused to participate in
               (6)  the guardian's evaluation of:
                     (A)  the ward's living arrangements as excellent,
  average, or below average, including an explanation if the
  conditions are below average;
                     (B)  whether the ward is content or unhappy with
  the ward's living arrangements; and
                     (C)  unmet needs of the ward;
               (7)  a statement indicating whether the guardian's
  power should be increased, decreased, or unaltered, including an
  explanation if a change is recommended;
               (8)  a statement indicating that the guardian has paid
  the bond premium for the next reporting period;
               (9)  if the guardian is a private professional
  guardian, a guardianship program, an office of public guardian, or
  the Health and Human Services Commission [Department of Aging and
  Disability Services], whether the guardian or an individual
  certified under Subchapter C, Chapter 155, Government Code, who is
  providing guardianship services to the ward and who is filing the
  affidavit on the guardian's behalf, is or has been the subject of an
  investigation conducted by the Judicial Branch [Guardianship]
  Certification Commission [Board] during the preceding year; and
               (10)  any additional information the guardian desires
  to share with the court regarding the ward, including:
                     (A)  whether the guardian has filed for emergency
  detention of the ward under Subchapter A, Chapter 573, Health and
  Safety Code; and
                     (B)  if applicable, the number of times the
  guardian has filed for emergency detention and the dates of the
  applications for emergency detention.
         SECTION 9.  Section 101.0814, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE.  The clerk of a statutory county court shall
  collect fees and costs under the Local Government Code as follows:
               (1)  additional filing fee to fund contingency fund for
  liability insurance, if authorized by the county commissioners
  court (Sec. 82.003, Local Government Code) . . . not to exceed $5;
               (2)  civil court actions (Sec. 118.052, Local
  Government Code):
                     (A)  filing of original action (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.053, Local Government Code):
                           (i)  garnishment after judgment (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $15; and
                           (ii)  all others (Sec. 118.052, Local
  Government Code) . . . $40;
                     (B)  filing of action other than original (Secs.
  118.052 and 118.054, Local Government Code) . . . $30; and
                     (C)  services rendered after judgment in original
  action (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0545, Local Government Code):
                           (i)  abstract of judgment (Sec. 118.052,
  Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
                           (ii)  execution, order of sale, writ, or
  other process (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
               (3)  probate court actions (Sec. 118.052, Local
  Government Code):
                     (A)  probate original action (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.055, Local Government Code):
                           (i)  probate of a will with independent
  executor, administration with will attached, administration of an
  estate, guardianship or receivership of an estate, or muniment of
  title (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (ii)  community survivors (Sec. 118.052,
  Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (iii)  small estates (Sec. 118.052, Local
  Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (iv)  declarations of heirship (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (v)  mental health or chemical dependency
  services (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40; and
                           (vi)  additional, special fee (Secs. 118.052
  and 118.064, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                     (B)  services in pending probate action (Secs.
  118.052 and 118.056, Local Government Code):
                           (i)  filing an inventory and appraisement
  (Secs. 118.052 and 118.056(d), Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                           (ii)  approving and recording bond (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $3;
                           (iii)  administering oath (Sec. 118.052,
  Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                           (iv)  filing annual or final account of
  estate (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                           (v)  filing application for sale of real or
  personal property (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                           (vi)  filing annual or final report of
  guardian of a person (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . .
  $10; and
                           (vii)  filing a document not listed under
  this paragraph after the filing of an order approving the inventory
  and appraisement or after the 120th day after the date of the
  initial filing of the action, whichever occurs first (Secs. 118.052
  and 191.007, Local Government Code), if more than 25 pages . . .
                     (C)  adverse probate action (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.057, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                     (D)  claim against estate (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.058, Local Government Code) . . . $10;
                     (E)  supplemental public [court-initiated]
  guardianship and related services fee (Secs. 118.052 and 118.067,
  Local Government Code) . . . $20; and
                     (F)  supplemental public probate administrator
  fee (Secs. 118.052 and 118.068, Local Government Code) . . . $10;
               (4)  other fees (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code):
                     (A)  issuing document (Secs. 118.052 and 118.059,
  Local Government Code):
                           (i)  original document and one copy (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4; and
                           (ii)  each additional set of an original and
  one copy (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4;
                     (B)  certified papers (Secs. 118.052 and 118.060,
  Local Government Code):
                           (i)  for the clerk's certificate (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
                           (ii)  a fee per page or part of a page (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $1;
                     (C)  noncertified papers, for each page or part of
  a page (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0605, Local Government Code) . . .
                     (D)  letters testamentary, letter of
  guardianship, letter of administration, or abstract of judgment
  (Secs. 118.052 and 118.061, Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                     (E)  safekeeping of wills (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.062, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                     (F)  mail service of process (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.063, Local Government Code) . . . same as sheriff; and
                     (G)  records management and preservation fee
  (Secs. 118.052, 118.0546, and 118.0645, Local Government Code)
  . . . $5;
               (5)  additional filing fee for filing any civil action
  or proceeding requiring a filing fee, including an appeal, and on
  the filing of any counterclaim, cross-action, intervention,
  interpleader, or third-party action requiring a filing fee, to fund
  civil legal services for the indigent (Sec. 133.153, Local
  Government Code) . . . $10;
               (6)  on the filing of a civil suit, an additional filing
  fee to be used for court-related purposes for the support of the
  judiciary (Sec. 133.154, Local Government Code) . . . $42;
               (7)  additional filing fee to fund the courthouse
  security fund, if authorized by the county commissioners court
  (Sec. 291.008, Local Government Code) . . . not to exceed $5;
               (8)  additional filing fee for filing documents not
  subject to certain filing fees to fund the courthouse security
  fund, if authorized by the county commissioners court (Sec.
  291.008, Local Government Code) . . . $1;
               (9)  additional filing fee to fund the courthouse
  security fund in Webb County, if authorized by the county
  commissioners court (Sec. 291.009, Local Government Code) . . . not
  to exceed $20; and
               (10)  court cost in civil cases other than suits for
  delinquent taxes to fund the county law library fund, if authorized
  by the county commissioners court (Sec. 323.023, Local Government
  Code) . . . not to exceed $35.
         SECTION 10.  Section 101.1013, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE.  The clerk of a statutory probate court shall
  collect fees and costs under the Local Government Code as follows:
               (1)  additional filing fee for filing any civil action
  or proceeding requiring a filing fee, including an appeal, and on
  the filing of any counterclaim, cross-action, intervention,
  interpleader, or third-party action requiring a filing fee to fund
  civil legal services for the indigent (Sec. 133.153, Local
  Government Code) . . . $10;
               (2)  additional filing fee to fund contingency fund for
  liability insurance, if authorized by the county commissioners
  court (Sec. 82.003, Local Government Code) . . . not to exceed $5;
               (3)  probate court actions (Sec. 118.052, Local
  Government Code):
                     (A)  probate original action (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.055, Local Government Code):
                           (i)  probate of a will with independent
  executor, administration with will attached, administration of an
  estate, guardianship or receivership of an estate, or muniment of
  title (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (ii)  community survivors (Sec. 118.052,
  Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (iii)  small estates (Sec. 118.052, Local
  Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (iv)  declarations of heirship (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (v)  mental health or chemical dependency
  services (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40; and
                           (vi)  additional, special fee (Secs. 118.052
  and 118.064, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                     (B)  services in pending probate action (Secs.
  118.052 and 118.056, Local Government Code):
                           (i)  filing an inventory and appraisement
  (Secs. 118.052 and 118.056(d), Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                           (ii)  approving and recording bond (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $3;
                           (iii)  administering oath (Sec. 118.052,
  Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                           (iv)  filing annual or final account of
  estate (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code). . . $25;
                           (v)  filing application for sale of real or
  personal property (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                           (vi)  filing annual or final report of
  guardian of a person (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . .
  $10; and
                           (vii)  filing a document not listed under
  this paragraph after the filing of an order approving the inventory
  and appraisement or after the 120th day after the date of the
  initial filing of the action, whichever occurs first (Secs. 118.052
  and 191.007, Local Government Code), if more than 25 pages . . .
                     (C)  adverse probate action (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.057, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                     (D)  claim against estate (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.058, Local Government Code) . . . $10;
                     (E)  supplemental public [court-initiated]
  guardianship and related services fee (Secs. 118.052 and 118.067,
  Local Government Code) . . . $20; and
                     (F)  supplemental public probate administrator
  fee (Secs. 118.052 and 118.068, Local Government Code) . . . $10;
               (4)  other fees (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code):
                     (A)  issuing document (Secs. 118.052 and 118.059,
  Local Government Code):
                           (i)  original document and one copy (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4; and
                           (ii)  each additional set of an original and
  one copy (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4;
                     (B)  certified papers (Secs. 118.052 and 118.060,
  Local Government Code):
                           (i)  for the clerk's certificate (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
                           (ii)  a fee per page or part of a page (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $1;
                     (C)  noncertified papers, for each page or part of
  a page (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0605, Local Government Code) . . .
                     (D)  letters testamentary, letter of
  guardianship, letter of administration, or abstract of judgment
  (Secs. 118.052 and 118.061, Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                     (E)  safekeeping of wills (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.062, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                     (F)  mail service of process (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.063, Local Government Code) . . . same as sheriff; and
                     (G)  records management and preservation fee
  (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0645, Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
               (5)  court cost in civil cases other than suits for
  delinquent taxes to fund the county law library fund, if authorized
  by the county commissioners court (Sec. 323.023, Local Government
  Code) . . . not to exceed $35.
         SECTION 11.  Section 101.1214, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 101.1214.  COUNTY COURT FEES AND COSTS: LOCAL
  GOVERNMENT CODE. The clerk of a county court shall collect the
  following fees and costs under the Local Government Code:
               (1)  additional filing fee to fund contingency fund for
  liability insurance, if authorized by the county commissioners
  court (Sec. 82.003, Local Government Code) . . . not to exceed $5;
               (2)  civil court actions (Sec. 118.052, Local
  Government Code):
                     (A)  filing of original action (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.053, Local Government Code):
                           (i)  garnishment after judgment (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $15; and
                           (ii)  all others (Sec. 118.052, Local
  Government Code) . . . $40;
                     (B)  filing of action other than original (Secs.
  118.052 and 118.054, Local Government Code) . . . $30; and
                     (C)  services rendered after judgment in original
  action (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0545, Local Government Code):
                           (i)  abstract of judgment (Sec. 118.052,
  Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
                           (ii)  execution, order of sale, writ, or
  other process (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
               (3)  probate court actions (Sec. 118.052, Local
  Government Code):
                     (A)  probate original action (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.055, Local Government Code):
                           (i)  probate of a will with independent
  executor, administration with will attached, administration of an
  estate, guardianship or receivership of an estate, or muniment of
  title (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (ii)  community survivors (Sec. 118.052,
  Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (iii)  small estates (Sec. 118.052, Local
  Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (iv)  declarations of heirship (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                           (v)  mental health or chemical dependency
  services (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $40; and
                           (vi)  additional, special fee (Secs. 118.052
  and 118.064, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                     (B)  services in pending probate action (Secs.
  118.052 and 118.056, Local Government Code):
                           (i)  filing an inventory and appraisement
  (Secs. 118.052 and 118.056(d), Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                           (ii)  approving and recording bond (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $3;
                           (iii)  administering oath (Sec. 118.052,
  Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                           (iv)  filing annual or final account of
  estate (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                           (v)  filing application for sale of real or
  personal property (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $25;
                           (vi)  filing annual or final report of
  guardian of a person (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . .
  $10; and
                           (vii)  filing a document not listed under
  this paragraph after the filing of an order approving the inventory
  and appraisement or after the 120th day after the date of the
  initial filing of the action, whichever occurs first (Secs. 118.052
  and 191.007, Local Government Code), if more than 25 pages . . .
                     (C)  adverse probate action (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.057, Local Government Code) . . . $40;
                     (D)  claim against estate (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.058, Local Government Code) . . . $10;
                     (E)  supplemental public [court-initiated]
  guardianship and related services fee (Secs. 118.052 and 118.067,
  Local Government Code) . . . $20; and
                     (F)  supplemental public probate administrator
  fee (Secs. 118.052 and 118.068, Local Government Code) . . . $10;
               (4)  other fees (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code):
                     (A)  issuing document (Secs. 118.052 and 118.059,
  Local Government Code):
                           (i)  original document and one copy (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4; and
                           (ii)  each additional set of an original and
  one copy (Sec. 118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $4;
                     (B)  certified papers (Secs. 118.052 and 118.060,
  Local Government Code):
                           (i)  for the clerk's certificate (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $5; and
                           (ii)  a fee per page or part of a page (Sec.
  118.052, Local Government Code) . . . $1;
                     (C)  noncertified papers, for each page or part of
  a page (Secs. 118.052 and 118.0605, Local Government Code) . . .
                     (D)  letters testamentary, letter of
  guardianship, letter of administration, or abstract of judgment
  (Secs. 118.052 and 118.061, Local Government Code) . . . $2;
                     (E)  safekeeping of wills (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.062, Local Government Code) . . . $5;
                     (F)  mail service of process (Secs. 118.052 and
  118.063, Local Government Code) . . . same as sheriff; and
                     (G)  records management and preservation fee
  (Secs. 118.052, 118.0546, and 118.0645, Local Government Code)
  . . . $5;
               (5)  deposit on filing petition requesting permission
  to create a municipal civic center authority (Sec. 281.013, Local
  Government Code) . . . $200;
               (6)  additional filing fee to fund the courthouse
  security fund, if authorized by the county commissioners court
  (Sec. 291.008, Local Government Code) . . . not to exceed $5;
               (7)  additional filing fee for filing documents not
  subject to certain filing fees to fund the courthouse security
  fund, if authorized by the county commissioners court (Sec.
  291.008, Local Government Code) . . . $1;
               (8)  additional filing fee to fund the courthouse
  security fund in Webb County, if authorized by the county
  commissioners court (Sec. 291.009, Local Government Code) . . . not
  to exceed $20;
               (9)  court cost in civil cases other than suits for
  delinquent taxes to fund the county law library fund, if authorized
  by the county commissioners court (Sec. 323.023, Local Government
  Code) . . . not to exceed $35;
               (10)  additional filing fee for filing any civil action
  or proceeding requiring a filing fee, including an appeal, and on
  the filing of any counterclaim, cross-action, intervention,
  interpleader, or third-party action requiring a filing fee, to fund
  civil legal services for the indigent (Sec. 133.153, Local
  Government Code) . . . $10; and
               (11)  on the filing of a civil suit an additional filing
  fee to be used for court-related purposes for the support of the
  judiciary (Sec. 133.154, Local Government Code) . . . $42.
         SECTION 12.  Section 155.001, Government Code, is amended by
  amending Subdivisions (4), (6), and (6-a) and adding Subdivisions
  (5-a) and (6-b) to read as follows:
               (4)  "Guardianship program" means a local, county, or
  regional program, other than an office of public guardian, that
  provides guardianship and related services to an incapacitated
  person or other person who needs assistance in making decisions
  concerning the person's own welfare or financial affairs.
               (5-a)  "Office of public guardian" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 1002.0215, Estates Code.
               (6)  "Private professional guardian" means a person,
  other than an attorney, [or] a corporate fiduciary, or an office of
  public guardian, who is engaged in the business of providing
  guardianship services.
               (6-a)  "Public guardian" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 1002.0265, Estates Code.
               (6-b)  Notwithstanding Section 151.001, "registration"
  means registration of a guardianship under this chapter.
         SECTION 13.  Subchapter B, Chapter 155, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 155.053 to read as follows:
  RELATED SERVICES FUNDS. The office shall monitor counties to
  ensure money is appropriately deposited into the public
  guardianship and related services funds established by counties
  under Section 118.067, Local Government Code, and being used in
  compliance with that section. Not later than December 1 of each
  year, the office shall submit a report to the legislature detailing
  how money in the funds is being used by counties across the state.
         SECTION 14.  Section 155.101(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The commission shall adopt minimum standards for:
               (1)  the provision of guardianship services or other
  similar but less restrictive types of assistance or services by:
                     (A)  individuals employed by or contracting with
  guardianship programs to provide the assistance or services on
  behalf of the programs; and
                     (B)  private professional guardians; [and]
               (2)  the provision of guardianship services by the
  Health and Human Services Commission; and
               (3)  the provision of guardianship services by offices
  of public guardians [Department of Aging and Disability Services or
  its successor agency].
         SECTION 15.  Section 155.102(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  To provide guardianship services in this state, the
  following individuals must hold a certificate issued under this
               (1)  an individual who is a private professional
               (2)  an individual who will provide those services to a
  ward of a private professional guardian on the guardian's behalf;
               (3)  an individual, other than a volunteer, who will
  provide those services or other services under Section 161.114,
  Human Resources Code, to a ward of a guardianship program or the
  Health and Human Services Commission [Department of Aging and
  Disability Services] on the program's or commission's
  [department's] behalf;
               (4)  an individual who is a public guardian; and
               (5)  an individual who will provide those services to a
  ward of an office of public guardian.
         SECTION 16.  Section 155.105, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows:
         (b-1)  Not later than January 31 of each year, each office of
  public guardian shall provide to the commission a report containing
  for the preceding year:
               (1)  the number of wards served by the office;
               (2)  the total amount of any money received from this
  state for the provision of guardianship services; and
               (3)  the amount of money received from any other public
  source, including a county or the federal government, for the
  provision of guardianship services, reported by source, and the
  total amount of money received from those public sources.
         SECTION 17.  Section 411.1386(a), Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (a-1), (a-5), and
  (a-6), the clerk of the county having venue over a proceeding for
  the appointment of a guardian under Title 3, Estates Code, shall
  obtain from the department criminal history record information
  maintained by the department that relates to:
               (1)  a private professional guardian;
               (2)  each person who represents or plans to represent
  the interests of a ward as a guardian on behalf of the private
  professional guardian;
               (3)  each person employed by a private professional
  guardian who will:
                     (A)  have personal contact with a ward or proposed
                     (B)  exercise control over and manage a ward's
  estate; or
                     (C)  perform any duties with respect to the
  management of a ward's estate;
               (4)  each person employed by or volunteering or
  contracting with a guardianship program to provide guardianship
  services to a ward of the program on the program's behalf; [or]
               (5)  a public guardian, as defined by Section
  1002.0265(1), Estates Code;
               (6)  each person who represents or plans to represent
  the interests of a ward as a guardian on behalf of an office of
  public guardian;
               (7)  each person employed by an office of public
  guardian, as defined by Section 1002.0215, Estates Code, who will:
                     (A)  have personal contact with a ward or proposed
                     (B)  exercise control over and manage a ward's
  estate; or
                     (C)  perform any duties with respect to the
  management of a ward's estate; or
               (8)  any other person proposed to serve as a guardian
  under Title 3, Estates Code, including a proposed temporary
  guardian and a proposed successor guardian, other than an attorney.
         SECTION 18.  Section 161.103, Human Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 161.103.  CONTRACT FOR GUARDIANSHIP SERVICES. (a)  If
  appropriate, the commission [department] may contract with a
  political subdivision of this state, a guardianship program as
  defined by Section 1002.016, Estates Code, a private agency, or
  another state agency for the provision of guardianship services
  under this section.
         (b)  A contract under Subsection (a) may allow for the
  provision of guardianship services by an office of public guardian,
  as defined by Section 1002.0215, Estates Code.
         SECTION 19.  Section 118.052, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 118.052.  FEE SCHEDULE.  Each clerk of a county court
  shall collect the following fees for services rendered to any
               (1)  CIVIL COURT ACTIONS
                     (A)  Filing of Original Action (Sec. 118.053):
                           (i)  Garnishment after judgment . . . $15.00
                           (ii)  All others . . . $40.00
                     (B)  Filing of Action Other than Original (Sec.
  118.054) . . . $30.00
                     (C)  Services Rendered After Judgment in Original
  Action (Sec. 118.0545):
                           (i)  Abstract of judgment . . . $ 5.00
                           (ii)  Execution, order of sale, writ, or
  other process . . . $ 5.00
               (2)  PROBATE COURT ACTIONS
                     (A)  Probate Original Action (Sec. 118.055):
                           (i)  Probate of a will with independent
  executor, administration with will attached, administration of an
  estate, guardianship or receivership of an estate, or muniment of
  title . . . $40.00
                           (ii)  Community survivors . . . $40.00
                           (iii)  Small estates . . . $40.00
                           (iv)  Declarations of heirship . . . $40.00
                           (v)  Mental health or chemical dependency
  services . . . $40.00
                           (vi)  Additional, special fee (Sec. 118.064)
  . . . $ 5.00
                     (B)  Services in Pending Probate Action (Sec.
                           (i)  Filing an inventory and appraisement as
  provided by Section 118.056(d) . . . $25.00
                           (ii)  Approving and recording bond . . . $
                           (iii)  Administering oath . . . $ 2.00
                           (iv)  Filing annual or final account of
  estate . . . $25.00
                           (v)  Filing application for sale of real or
  personal property . . . $25.00
                           (vi)  Filing annual or final report of
  guardian of a person . . . $10.00
                           (vii)  Filing a document not listed under
  this paragraph after the filing of an order approving the inventory
  and appraisement or after the 120th day after the date of the
  initial filing of the action, whichever occurs first, if more than
  25 pages . . . $25.00
                     (C)  Adverse Probate Action (Sec. 118.057) . . .
                     (D)  Claim Against Estate (Sec. 118.058) . . .
                     (E)  Supplemental Public [Court-Initiated]
  Guardianship and Related Services Fee in Probate Original Actions
  and Adverse Probate Actions (Sec. 118.067) . . . $20.00
                     (F)  Supplemental Public Probate Administrator
  Fee For Counties That Have Appointed a Public Probate Administrator
  (Sec. 118.068) . . . $10.00
               (3)  OTHER FEES
                     (A)  Issuing Document (Sec. 118.059):
         original document and one copy . . . $ 4.00
         each additional set of an original and one copy . . . $ 4.00
                     (B)  Certified Papers (Sec. 118.060):
         for the clerk's certificate . . . $ 5.00
         plus a fee per page or part of a page of . . . $ 1.00
                     (C)  Noncertified Papers (Sec. 118.0605):
         for each page or part of a page . . . $ 1.00
                     (D)  Letters Testamentary, Letter of
  Guardianship, Letter of Administration, or Abstract of Judgment
  (Sec. 118.061) . . . $ 2.00
                     (E)  Deposit and Safekeeping of Wills (Sec.
  118.062) . . . $ 5.00
                     (F)  Mail Service of Process (Sec. 118.063) . . .
  same as sheriff
                     (G)  Records Management and Preservation Fee
  . . . $ 5.00
                     (H)  Records Technology and Infrastructure Fee if
  authorized by the commissioners court of the county (Sec. 118.026)
  . . . $ 2.00
         SECTION 20.  Section 118.067, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  public [court-initiated] guardianship and related services fee"
  under Section 118.052(2)(E) is for the support of guardianship
  services provided by public guardians, as defined by Section
  1002.0265 [the judiciary in guardianships initiated under Chapter
  1102], Estates Code, or guardianship and other less restrictive
  alternative services provided to indigent incapacitated persons
  who do not have family members suitable and willing to serve as
  guardians or provide less restrictive alternative services.  Fees
  collected under Section 118.052(2)(E) shall be deposited in a
  public [court-initiated] guardianship and related services fund in
  the county treasury and may be used only to supplement, rather than
  supplant, other available county funds used to fund guardianship
  services or other less restrictive alternative services provided to
  individuals who are indigent[:
               [(1)     pay the compensation of a guardian ad litem
  appointed by a court under Section 1102.001, Estates Code;
               [(2)     pay the compensation of an attorney ad litem
  appointed by a court to represent a proposed ward in a guardianship
  proceeding initiated under Chapter 1102, Estates Code; and
               [(3)     fund local guardianship programs that provide
  guardians for indigent incapacitated persons who do not have family
  members suitable and willing to serve as guardians].
         (b)  The supplemental public [court-initiated] guardianship
  and related services fee is charged for:
               (1)  a probate original action described by Section
  118.055 and for which a fee is charged in accordance with Section
  118.052(2)(A)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), or (v); and
               (2)  an adverse probate action described by Section
  118.057 and for which a fee is charged in accordance with Section
         (c)  The supplemental public [court-initiated] guardianship
  and related services fee must be paid by the person against whom the
  fee for a probate original action or adverse probate action, as
  applicable, is charged and is due at the time that fee is due.
         (d)  The supplemental public [court-initiated] guardianship
  and related services fee is in addition to all other fees charged in
  probate original actions and adverse probate actions.
         SECTION 21.  Not later than January 1, 2020, the supreme
  court shall adopt rules necessary to implement Subchapter G-1,
  Chapter 1104, Estates Code, as added by this Act, including rules
  governing the transfer of a guardianship of the person or of the
  estate of a ward, or both, if appropriate, to an office of public
  guardian established under that subchapter or a public guardian
  contracted under that subchapter.
         SECTION 22.  (a)  The changes in law made by this Act apply
  only to the appointment of a guardian of the person or of the estate
  of a ward, or both, made on or after July 1, 2020.
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, a person who,
  immediately before July 1, 2020, is serving as guardian of the
  person or of the estate of a ward, or both, who, under Section
  1104.334, Estates Code, as added by this Act, would be eligible for
  appointment of an office of public guardian as the ward's guardian,
  may continue to serve as guardian of the person or of the estate of
  the ward, or both, unless otherwise removed as provided by law.
         SECTION 23.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2019.