86R12013 AJA-F
  By: Nichols S.B. No. 1460
  relating to the conveyance of certain state forest land in Cherokee
  County under the control of the board of regents of The Texas A&M
  University System.
  The board of regents of The Texas A&M University System may convey
  the following described real property:
         BEING 156.38 acres of land in the G. W. BRASHEAR SURVEY,
  ABSTRACT No. 114, CHEROKEE COUNTY, TEXAS, and being all of that
  Tract 2 called 158.27 acres from Texas State Hospitals & Special
  Schools to Texas Forest Service, Part of Texas Agricultural &
  Mechanical College System on September 3, 1963 and recorded in
  Volume 541, Page 557 of the Deed Records of Cherokee County, Texas
  (hereinafter shown as volume/page, DR, LR for Land Records, OR for
  Official Records), and called 156.60 acres in a ReSurvey made by
  Frank Speary, RPS No. 777, dated January 17, 1964, but not
  recorded: BEARINGS are based on the Texas Coordinate System of
  1983, Texas Central Zone per GPS observations: All coordinates are
  U.S. Survey Feet, NAD83(2011) Epoch 2010.000 per Trimble VRS
  Network Solutions: At the point of beginning, the angle of
  convergence is 02°39'04" and the combined scale factor is 0.9999525:
  To get geodetic bearings, rotate the bearings recited herein,
  clockwise, by the angle of convergence: All distances are grid and
  to get surface distances, divide the distances recited herein by
  the combined scale factor: w/cap = a plastic cap marked Affiliated
  Surveyors: SEE PLAT:
         BEGINNING at a 2" iron pipe found in a fence for the Northeast
  comer of said 158.27 acres, the Southeast corner of that 80.00 acres
  from Richard & Scott Watson to Rodney Newman on September 21, 2018
  in 2456/559, OR, and in the West line of that Tract 1 called 57.3
  acres S&E 2.00 acres from Billy & Bessie Lankford to Billy & Bessie
  Lankford, Trustees on December 31, 2016 in 2360/336, OR, same
  having a state plane coordinate with a Northing of 10643943.982
  feet and an Easting of 3895719.774 feet, from which a 1/2" steel rod
  w/cap found for an angle point in the East line of said 80.00 acres
  and for the Northwest corner of said 57.3 acres is North 02°42'13"
  West, 78.10 feet;
         THENCE South 03°18'46" East, with the East line of said 158.27
  acres and the West line of said 57.3 acres, 798.11 feet to a 5"x5"
  concrete monument found at a x-tie fence corner for the Southwest
  corner of said 57.3 acres and the Northwest corner of that 28 1/2
  acres from Billy & Bessie Lankford to Billy & Bessie Lankford,
  Trustees on February 16, 2001 in 1488/280, OR;
         THENCE South 03°09'00" East, with the East line of said 158.27
  acres and the West line of said 28 1/2 acres, 501.68 feet to a 1/2"
  steel rod w/cap set in a pine stump hole for an angle point in the
  East line of said 158.87 acres, the Southwest corner of said 28 1/2
  acres and the Northwest corner of that 32 1/2 acres from Billy &
  Bessie Lankford to Billy & Bessie Lankford, Trustees on February
  16, 2001 in 1488/274, OR from which a fence corner is South 57°56'
  West, 1.70 feet;
         THENCE South 03°09'37" East, with the East line of said 158.27
  acres and the West line of said 32 1/2 acres in 1488/274, OR, and the
  West line of that 32 1/2 acres from Billy & Bessie Lankford to Billy &
  Bessie Lankford, Trustees on February 16, 2001 in 1488/277, OR,
  1389.58 feet to a 2" iron pipe with a pine knot inside and a nail in
  the top of said pine knot for the Southeast corner of said 158.27
  acres, the Southwest corner of said 32 1/2 acres in 1488/277, OR,
  and in the North line of that tract for 1/2 undivided interest in
  68.00 & 76.328 acres in Family Settlement Agreement from Phillip
  Power et al to Phillip Power on June 21, 2005 in 1727/408, OR, with a
  reference description for 150 acres from Gertrude Russell to
  Winston Power et ux on May 12, 1975 in 685/614, DR;
         THENCE South 87°12'02" West, with the South line of said
  158.27 acres, passing the Northwest corner of said 150 acres and the
  most Northerly Northeast corner of that 25 acres from Stacy
  Southerland to Robert & Wendy Boudreau on December 14, 2011 in
  2093/636, OR, continuing in all 2569.35 feet to a 1/2" steel rod
  w/cap set for the Southwest corner of said 158.27 acres, the
  Northwest corner of said 25 acres and In the occupied East line of
  that Tract 2 called 36 acres from Edna Dickson to Carnie Wilkinson,
  Jr. et ux on February 23, 1980 in 790/199, DR, with a reference
  description in 107/582, DR, from which the center of a 21" Sweet Gum
  fence corner (no marks) is South 82°30' East, 4.3 feet;
         THENCE North 02°38'58" West, with the West line of said 158.27
  acres, passing the Northeast comer of said 36 acres and the
  Southeast corner of that Tract 2 called 15 acres from Beverly
  Parsons to Brenda Thigpen on September 7, 2017 in 2402/106, OR, with
  a reference description in 84/376, DR, at 2593.66 feet pass a 1/2"
  iron pipe at a 16" fence corner found for the Northeast corner of
  said 15 acres and the Southeast corner of that Tract 4 called 4.65
  acres in 2402/106, OR, continuing in all 2647.05 feet to an axle
  found in a 2" iron pipe at a x-tie fence corner by a large pointed
  rock for the Northwest corner of said 158.27 acres and the Southwest
  corner of said 80.00 acres;
         THENCE with the common lines of said 80.00 acres and said
  158.27 acres as follows:
         North 86°38'39" East, 1255.58 feet to an axle found, from
  which found "X" to the center on an 18" Post Oak South 38° West, 4.0
         North 85°51'47" East, 1288.28 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING,
  and containing within these calls, 156.36 acres of land. This tract
  has no access to a public road.
         SECTION 2.  INTERESTS CONVEYED. The conveyance authorized
  by this Act shall be of fee title to the surface and is exclusive of
  all mineral rights. All instruments of conveyance shall be in a
  form acceptable to The Texas A&M University System.
         SECTION 3.  EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect
  immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members
  elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas
  Constitution.  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for
  immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2019.