86R6473 BRG-F
  By: Birdwell S.B. No. 1515
  relating to the registration of liquefied petroleum gas container
  manufacturers and the regulation of liquefied petroleum gas
  licensees; authorizing fees.
         SECTION 1.  The heading to Subchapter D, Chapter 113,
  Natural Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter D, Chapter 113, Natural Resources
  Code, is amended by adding Section 113.080 to read as follows:
         Sec. 113.080.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: 
               (1)  "Carrier" means a person licensed for
  transportation of LP-gas by transport, including the loading and
  unloading of LP-gas, and the installation and repair of transport
               (2)  "Portable cylinder exchange service" means an
  operation conducted under a commission license for the sale of
  LP-gas in portable cylinders that are not filled on site and that
  have an LP-gas capacity not greater than 21 pounds.
               (3)  "Retail and wholesale dealer" means a person
  licensed for any LP-gas activity except:
                     (A)  the assembly, repair, subframing, or testing
  of LP-gas containers; or
                     (B)  the sale or installation of motor fuel
  systems or mobile fuel systems that have an engine with a rating of
  more than 25 horsepower.
               (4)  "Testing laboratory" means a person licensed for
  testing containers, motor fuel systems or mobile fuel systems,
  transfer systems, or transport systems for the purpose of
  determining the safety of the containers or systems for LP-gas
  service, including the necessary installation, disconnection,
  reconnection, testing, or repair of motor fuel systems or mobile
  fuel systems, transfer systems, or transport systems involved in
  the testing of containers.
               (5)  "Transport outfitter" means a person licensed to: 
                     (A)  subframe, test, or sell LP-gas transport
                     (B)  test LP-gas storage containers;
                     (C)  install, test, or sell motor fuel containers
  and systems or mobile fuel containers and systems;
                     (D)  install transport systems; or
                     (E)  repair transport systems, motor fuel
  systems, or mobile fuel systems.
         SECTION 3.  Section 113.081, Natural Resources Code, is
  amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) and
  adding Subsection (h) to read as follows:
         (a)  Unless otherwise stated in this chapter, a [no] person
  may not engage in any of the following activities unless that person
  has obtained a license from the commission authorizing that
               (1)  container activities: the [manufacture,]
  assembly, repair, testing, sale, installation, or subframing of
  containers for use in this state, except that a [no] license is not
  required for the sale of a new container of 96 pounds water capacity
  or less;
               (2)  systems activities: the installation, service,
  and repair of systems for use in this state, including the laying or
  connecting of pipes and fittings connecting with or to systems or
  serving a system and appliances to be used with LP-gas [liquefied
  petroleum gas] as a fuel;
               (3)  appliance activities: the service, installation,
  and repair of appliances used or to be used in this state in
  connection with systems using LP-gas [liquefied petroleum gas] as a
  fuel, except that a [no] license is not [shall be] required for
  installation or connection of manufactured unvented appliances to
  LP-gas [LPG] systems by means of LP-gas [LPG] appliance connectors,
  or where only duct or electrical work is performed to or on an
  LP-gas appliance; or
               (4)  product activities: the sale, transportation,
  dispensation, or storage of LP-gas [liquefied petroleum gas] in
  this state, except that a [no] license is not [shall be] required to
  sell LP-gas [LPG] where the vendor never obtains possessory rights
  to the product sold or where the product is transported or stored by
  the ultimate consumer for personal consumption only.
         (b)  The licensing requirements [provisions] of Subsection
  (a) [of this section do not] apply to a person other than a
  political subdivision who [is not engaged in business as provided
  in Section 113.082 of this code. A person, except a political
  subdivision, is considered to be engaged in business as provided in
  Section 113.082 of this code if such person] installs or services a
  [an LPG] motor fuel system or mobile fuel system on a motor vehicle
  used in the transportation of the general public. [The provisions
  of] Subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) [of this section] do not apply to
  intermodal containers or intermodal portable tanks constructed in
  accordance with United States Department of Transportation
         (c)  The licensing requirements of Subsection (a) do not
  apply to a [A mobile home park operator will not be deemed to be a
  person engaged in business as provided in Section 113.082 of this
  code if such] mobile home park operator who does not obtain any
  [obtains no] possessory rights to LP-gas products, and utilizes
  only LP-gas licensees in the installation and maintenance of the
  LP-gas containers and system. For purposes of this subsection, the
  term "mobile home park operator" means an individual or business
  entity owning or operating a place, divided into sites, at which the
  primary business is the rental or leasing of the sites to persons
  for use in occupying mobile homes as dwellings. "Mobile home" has
  the meaning set out in Chapter 1201, Occupations Code.
         (d)  The commission by rule may exempt [from Section
  113.082(a)(4) of this code] journeymen or master plumbers licensed
  by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners from the license
  requirements of Subsection (a).
         (e)  The commission by rule may exempt [from Section
  113.082(a)(4) of this code] a person licensed under Chapter 1302,
  Occupations Code, from the license requirements of Subsection (a).
         (h)  A person operating a portable cylinder exchange service
  may not engage in another LP-gas activity requiring a license at the
  same location as the service. 
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter D, Chapter 113, Natural Resources
  Code, is amended by adding Section 113.0815 to read as follows:
  FABRICATORS. (a)  A person may not engage in the manufacture or
  fabrication of containers for use in this state unless the person
  registers with the commission in accordance with rules adopted by
  the commission.
         (b)  A registration under this section must be renewed
         SECTION 5.  Section 113.082, Natural Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  (a) The commission by rule shall establish license categories for
  LP-gas activities [A prospective licensee in LPG may apply to the
  commission for a license to engage in any one or more of the
  following categories of LPG activities:
               [(1)     container manufacturers/fabricators: the
  manufacture, fabrication, assembly, repair, installation,
  subframing, testing, and sale of LPG containers, including LPG
  motor or mobile fuel containers and systems, and the repair and
  installation of transport and transfer systems;
               [(2)     transport outfitters: the subframing, testing,
  and sale of LPG transport containers, the testing of LPG storage
  containers, the installation, testing, and sale of LPG motor or
  mobile fuel containers and systems, and the installation and repair
  of transport systems, and motor or mobile fuel systems;
               [(3)     carriers: the transportation of LPG by
  transport, including the loading and unloading of LPG, and the
  installation and repair of transport systems;
               [(4)     general installers and repairmen: the sale,
  service, and installation of containers, excluding motor fuel
  containers, and the service, installation, and repair of piping,
  certain appliances as defined by rule, excluding recreational
  vehicle appliances and LPG systems, excluding motor fuel and
  recreational vehicle systems;
               [(5)     retail and wholesale dealers: the storage, sale,
  transportation, and distribution of LPG at retail and wholesale,
  and all other activities included in this section except the
  manufacture, fabrication, assembly, repair, subframing, and
  testing of LPG containers, and except the sale and installation of
  LPG motor or mobile fuel systems that have an engine with a rating
  of more than 25 horsepower;
               [(6)     cylinder filling: the operation of a
  cylinder-filling facility, including cylinder filling, the sale of
  LPG in cylinders, and the replacement of a cylinder valve;
               [(7)     service station: the operation of an LPG service
  station filling ASME containers designed for motor and mobile fuel;
               [(8)     cylinder dealers: the transportation and sale of
  LPG in cylinders;
               [(9)     service station and cylinder filling: any
  service station and cylinder activity set out in Subdivisions (6)
  and (7);
               [(10)     service station and cylinder facilities: the
  operation of a cylinder-filling facility, including cylinder
  filling and the sale, transportation, installation, and connection
  of LPG in cylinders, the replacement of cylinder valves, and the
  operation of an LPG service station as set out in Subdivision (7);
               [(11)     distribution system: the sale and distribution
  of LPG through mains or pipes and the installation and repair of LPG
               [(12)     engine fuel: the sale and installation of LPG
  motor or mobile fuel containers, and the sale and installation of
  LPG motor or mobile fuel systems;
               [(13)     recreational vehicle installers and repairmen:
  the sale, service, and installation of recreational vehicle
  containers, and the installation, repair, and service of
  recreational vehicle appliances, piping, and LPG systems,
  including recreational vehicle motor or mobile fuel systems and
               [(14)     manufactured housing installers and repairmen:
  the service and installation of containers that supply fuel to
  manufactured housing, and the installation, repair, and service of
  appliances and piping systems for manufactured housing;
               [(15)     testing laboratory: the testing of an LP-gas
  container, LP-gas motor fuel systems or mobile fuel systems,
  transfer systems, and transport systems for the purpose of
  determining the safety of the container or systems for LP-gas
  service, including the necessary installation, disconnection,
  reconnecting, testing, and repair of LPG motor fuel systems or
  mobile fuel systems, transfer systems, and transport systems
  involved in the testing of containers; or
               [(16)     portable cylinder exchange: the operation of a
  portable cylinder exchange service, where the sale of LP-gas is
  within a portable cylinder with an LP-gas capacity not to exceed 21
  pounds; the portable cylinders are not filled on site, and no other
  LP-gas activity requiring a license is conducted].
         (b)  The commission by rule shall establish reasonable
  application and original license fees and renewal fees for each
  type of license category established under Subsection (a) [listed
  in this section].
         SECTION 6.  Section 113.084(b), Natural Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A prospective licensee shall submit the required
  application together with the original nonrefundable license fee
  established by the commission under Section 113.082 for each type
  of license category for which an application is made. The applicant
  shall submit additional information and data with each application
  as the commission may reasonably require.
         SECTION 7.  Sections 113.087(c), (d), and (g), Natural
  Resources Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (c)  An [Each] individual who will be actively supervising
  [those] operations that require a [requiring any] license under
  this chapter, other than a portable cylinder exchange service [a
  license under Section 113.082(a)(16)], at any outlet or location,
  [as designated by the commission,] shall be required to provide
  good and sufficient proof through examination that the supervisor
  has a working knowledge of the safety requirements and penalties in
  this chapter and the rules of the commission which apply to that
  type of license.  A [Each] licensee [under Section 113.082(a)(5)]
  who provides portable cylinders to a licensee operating a portable
  cylinder exchange service [under Section 113.082(a)(16)] shall:
               (1)  prepare or obtain a manual approved by the
  commission covering the proper procedures for handling LP-gas in
  the portable cylinder exchange process;
               (2)  provide a copy of the manual to each outlet or
  location of the licensee operating the portable cylinder exchange
  service [under Section 113.082(a)(16)]; and
               (3)  provide training approved by the commission
  regarding the contents of the manual to each individual who will be
  actively supervising operation of the portable cylinder exchange
  service [operations requiring a license under Section
  113.082(a)(16)] at each outlet or location.
         (d)  As determined by commission rule, each individual who is
  or will be utilized by a licensee or a public employee of the state,
  the federal government, or a state or federal subdivision in
  LPG-related activities shall be required to provide good and
  sufficient proof through examination that the employee has a
  working knowledge of the safety requirements in the rules of the
  commission relating to the activity or activities.  Should the
  commission determine that an individual has a history of failure to
  comply with the requirements of this code or with the rules of the
  commission, the commission shall promptly notify the individual in
  writing [mail written notification] of failure to qualify for
  LP-gas employee certification and the reasons therefor [to the
  registrant].  Written notice by the commission, a written request
  for a hearing, and the public hearing itself shall be governed by
  Section 113.091.
         (g)  In no event shall an original or renewal license be
  issued to an applicant whose listed representative has not
  maintained qualified status, as defined by rule, or to any person
  who has a history of failure to comply with the requirements of this
  code or with the rules of the commission. The commission shall have
  written notification of license denial and the reasons therefor
  prepared promptly and provided [mailed] to both the representative
  and the license applicant. Written notice by the commission, a
  written request for a hearing, and the public hearing itself shall
  be governed by Section 113.091 [of this code].
         SECTION 8.  Sections 113.089(a) and (c), Natural Resources
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If application is made for a license by a retail and
  wholesale dealer [under Section 113.082(a)(5)] or for any other
  type of license specified by commission rule, the commission, in
  addition to other requirements, shall have an actual inspection
  conducted of any and all facilities, bulk storage equipment,
  transportation equipment, and dispensing equipment of the
  applicant to verify satisfactory compliance with all current safety
  laws, rules, and practices. The inspection may be waived by the
  commission on an application resulting solely from a change in
  legal entities under which a current licensee operates.
         (c)  A license for which an inspection under Subsection (a)
  is required may [under Section 113.082(a)(5) and any other type of
  license specified by commission rule shall] not be issued until the
  inspection [under Subsection (a) of this section] verifies the
  applicant to be in satisfactory compliance with all current safety
  laws, rules, and practices.
         SECTION 9.  Section 113.091(a), Natural Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If [Should] an applicant fails [fail] to meet the
  requirements for original or renewal licensing set out in this
  chapter, the commission shall promptly send notice to the applicant
  specifying [have written notification prepared promptly and mailed
  to the applicant. The notice shall specify] the reason for the
  applicant's failure to qualify for license and advising [advise]
  the applicant of the right to request a hearing.
         SECTION 10.  Sections 113.097(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), and
  (h), Natural Resources Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commission shall not issue a license authorizing
  LP-gas activities [under Section 113.082 of this code] or renew an
  existing license unless the applicant for license or license
  renewal provides proof of required insurance coverage with an
  insurance carrier authorized to do business in this state as
  evidenced by a certificate of authority having been issued to the
  carrier by the Texas Department of Insurance or, if the applicant is
  unable to obtain coverage from such a carrier, provides, on
  approval of the commission, proof of required insurance coverage
  issued by a surplus lines insurer that meets the requirements of
  Chapter 981, Insurance Code, and rules adopted by the commissioner
  of insurance under that chapter.
         (b)  A licensee may [shall] not perform an LP-gas [any
  licensed] activity licensed by the commission [under Section
  113.082 of this code] unless the insurance coverage required by
  this chapter is in effect.
         (c)  Except as provided in Section 113.099 [of this code],
  the types and amounts of insurance provided in Subsections (d)
  through (i) [of this section] are required while engaged in an
  LP-gas activity licensed by the commission [any of the activities
  set forth in Section 113.082 of this code] or any activity
  incidental thereto.
         (d)  A person licensed to transport LP-gas [Each licensee
  under Section 113.082(a)(3), (5), (8), or (10)] must carry motor
  vehicle bodily injury and property damage liability coverage on
  each motor vehicle, including trailers and semitrailers, used to
  transport LP-gas. The commission shall establish by rule a
  reasonable amount of coverage to be maintained, except that
  coverage may [shall] not be less than the amounts required as
  evidence of financial responsibility under Chapter 601,
  Transportation Code.
         (f)  A [Each] licensee, other than a licensee operating a
  portable cylinder exchange service [category "P" licensee], must
  acquire and maintain appropriate workers' compensation or coverage
  for its employees under policies of work-related accident,
  disability, and health insurance, including coverage for death
  benefits, from an insurance carrier authorized to provide coverage
  in this state, in the amounts required by the commission.
         (h)  As required by commission rule, a person registered
  under Section 113.0815 or licensed as a transport outfitter,
  carrier, retail and wholesale dealer, or testing laboratory
  [licensee under Section 113.082(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), or (15)] must
  carry completed operations or products liability insurance, or
  both, in a reasonable amount, based on the type or types of
  registered or licensed activities.
         SECTION 11.  Sections 113.099(a) and (d), Natural Resources
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person licensed to transport LP-gas [licensee or an
  applicant for a license under Section 113.082(a)(3), (5), (8), or
  (10)] that does not operate or contemplate the operation of a motor
  vehicle equipped with an LP-gas cargo container and does not
  transport or contemplate the transportation of LP-gas by vehicle in
  any manner, may make and file with the commission a statement to
  that effect in lieu of filing a certificate of motor vehicle bodily
  injury and property damage insurance.
         (d)  A person registered under Section 113.0815 or licensed
  as a transport outfitter, carrier, retail and wholesale dealer, or
  testing laboratory [licensee or an applicant for a license under
  Section 113.082(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), or (15)] that does not engage
  in or contemplate engaging in any LP-gas operations which would be
  covered by completed operations or products liability insurance, or
  both, for a period of time may make and file with the commission a
  statement to that effect in lieu of filing a certificate of
         SECTION 12.  Not later than January 1, 2020, the Railroad
  Commission of Texas shall adopt rules required by Chapter 113,
  Natural Resources Code, as amended by this Act.
         SECTION 13.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2019.