relating to election integrity, including periodic voter |
registration; creating a criminal offense. |
SECTION 1. Section 11.003, Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 11.003. PLACE FOR VOTING; OFFENSES. (a) Except as |
otherwise provided by this code, a person may vote only in the |
election precinct in which the person resides. |
(b) A person commits an offense if the person casts a vote in |
violation of Subsection (a). |
(c) An election officer commits an offense if the officer |
knowingly permits a person to cast a vote in violation of Subsection |
(a). |
(d) An offense under Subsection (b) or (c) is a Class A |
misdemeanor. |
SECTION 2. Section 13.122(a), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) In addition to the other statements and spaces for |
entering information that appear on an officially prescribed |
registration application form, each official form must include: |
(1) the statement: "I understand that giving false |
information to procure a voter registration is perjury and a crime |
under state and federal law."; |
(2) a space for the applicant's registration number; |
(3) a space for the applicant's Texas driver's license |
number or number of a personal identification card issued by the |
Department of Public Safety; |
(4) a space for the applicant's telephone number; |
(5) a space for the applicant's social security |
number; |
(6) a space for the applicant's sex; |
(7) a statement indicating that the furnishing of the |
applicant's telephone number and sex is optional; |
(8) a space or box for indicating whether the |
applicant or voter is submitting new registration information or a |
change in current registration information; |
(9) a statement instructing a voter who is using the |
form to make a change in current registration information to enter |
the voter's name and the changed information in the appropriate |
spaces on the form; |
(10) a statement that if the applicant declines to |
register to vote, that fact will remain confidential and will be |
used only for voter registration purposes; |
(11) a statement that if the applicant does register |
to vote, information regarding the agency or office to which the |
application is submitted will remain confidential and will be used |
only for voter registration purposes; |
(12) a space or box for indicating whether the |
applicant is interested in working as an election judge; |
(13) a statement warning that a conviction for making |
a false statement may result in imprisonment for up to the maximum |
amount of time provided by law, a fine of up to the maximum amount |
provided by law, or both the imprisonment and the fine; [and] |
(14) a space or box for indicating whether the |
application is for an initial registration or for renewal |
registration; and |
(15) any other voter registration information |
required by federal law or considered appropriate and required by |
the secretary of state. |
SECTION 3. Section 13.142(c), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) An initial certificate takes effect on the effective |
date of the registration and expires on the fourth anniversary of |
the date it takes effect [the following January 1 of an
even-numbered year]. |
SECTION 4. Section 13.143, Election Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (c-1) to read as |
follows: |
(c) A registration is effective until canceled under this |
code or until the fourth anniversary of the date the registration |
became effective, whichever is earlier. |
(c-1) Notwithstanding Subsection (c), the registration of a |
voter whose registration was effective on September 1, 2019, is |
effective until canceled under this code or until September 1, |
2023, whichever is earlier. This subsection expires January 1, |
2024. |
SECTION 5. Section 14.001, Election Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a) and (c) and adding Subsection (a-1) to |
read as follows: |
(a) A voter may apply to the registrar for a renewal of the |
voter's registration at any time in the final year that the voter's |
current registration will be effective. |
(a-1) The voter shall submit a renewal application in the |
same manner provided for an initial application under Subchapter A, |
Chapter 13, and the registrar shall comply with all applicable |
provisions of Subchapter C, Chapter 13, in determining whether to |
renew the applicant's registration. [On or after November 15 but
before December 6 of each odd-numbered year, the registrar shall
issue a voter registration certificate to each voter in the county
whose registration is effective on the preceding November 14 and
whose name does not appear on the suspense list.] |
(c) A renewal certificate becomes effective on the date the |
voter's previous registration expires and is valid for four [two] |
years beginning on the date it becomes effective [January 1
following its issuance]. |
SECTION 6. Section 15.081(a), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The registrar shall maintain a suspense list containing |
the name of each voter: |
(1) who fails to submit a response to the registrar in |
accordance with Section 15.053; or |
(2) [whose renewal certificate is returned to the
registrar in accordance with Subchapter B, Chapter 14; or
[(3)] who appears on the list of nonresidents of the |
county provided to the registrar under Section 62.114, Government |
Code. |
SECTION 7. Section 32.0511(d), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(d) Not more than two student election clerks may serve at a |
polling place[, except that not more than four student election
clerks may serve at any countywide polling place]. |
SECTION 8. Section 62.0115(b), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) Except as revised by the secretary of state under |
Subsection (d), the notice must state that a voter has the right to: |
(1) vote a ballot and view written instructions on how |
to cast a ballot; |
(2) vote in secret and free from intimidation; |
(3) receive up to two additional ballots if the voter |
mismarks, damages, or otherwise spoils a ballot; |
(4) request instructions on how to cast a ballot, but |
not to receive suggestions on how to vote; |
(5) bring an interpreter to translate the ballot and |
any instructions from election officials; |
(6) receive assistance in casting the ballot if the |
voter: |
(A) has a physical disability that renders the |
voter unable to write or see; or |
(B) cannot read the language in which the ballot |
is written; |
(7) cast a ballot on executing an affidavit as |
provided by law, if the voter's eligibility to vote is questioned; |
(8) report an existing or potential abuse of voting |
rights to the secretary of state or the local election official; and |
(9) [except as provided by Section 85.066(b), Election
Code, vote at any early voting location in the county in which the
voter resides in an election held at county expense, a primary
election, or a special election ordered by the governor; and
[(10)] file an administrative complaint with the |
secretary of state concerning a violation of federal or state |
voting procedures. |
SECTION 9. Sections 85.001(a) and (c), Election Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The period for early voting by personal appearance |
begins on the 10th [17th] day before election day and continues |
through the [fourth] day before election day, except as otherwise |
provided by this section. |
(c) If the date prescribed by Subsection (a) [or (b)] for |
beginning the period is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal state holiday, |
the early voting period begins on the next regular business day, |
except as otherwise provided by Section 85.006. |
SECTION 10. Section 85.004, Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
LOCATION. The election order and the election notice must state |
the location of the main early voting polling place. The election |
notice must state that a voter is only permitted to vote at the main |
early voting polling place if it is located within the voter's |
election precinct. |
SECTION 11. Section 85.005(d), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(d) In an election ordered by a city, early voting by |
personal appearance at the main early voting polling place shall be |
conducted for at least 12 hours[:
[(1)] on one weekday[, if the early voting period
consists of less than six weekdays; or
on two weekdays, if the early voting period
consists of six or more weekdays]. |
SECTION 12. Sections 85.006(a), (d), and (e), Election |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the authority |
ordering an election may order early voting by personal appearance |
at the main early voting polling place to be conducted on a Saturday |
or Sunday [one or more Saturdays or Sundays] during the early voting |
period. |
(d) The authority authorized to order early voting on a |
Saturday or Sunday under Subsection (a) or (b) shall order the |
voting under the applicable subsection on receipt of a written |
request submitted by at least 15 registered voters of the territory |
covered by the election. The request must be submitted in time to |
enable compliance with Section 85.007. The authority [is not
required to order the voting on a particular date specified by the
request but] shall order the voting on [at least one] Saturday if |
[a] Saturday is requested and on [at least one] Sunday if [a] Sunday |
is requested. |
(e) In a primary election or the general election for state |
and county officers in a county with a population of 100,000 or |
more, the early voting clerk shall order personal appearance voting |
at the main early voting polling place to be conducted for at least |
12 hours on [the last] Saturday and for at least five hours on [the
last] Sunday during [of] the early voting period. The early voting |
clerk shall order voting to be conducted at those times in those |
elections in a county with a population under 100,000 on receipt of |
a written request for those hours submitted by at least 15 |
registered voters of the county. The request must be submitted in |
time to enable compliance with Section 85.007. This subsection |
supersedes any provision of this subchapter to the extent of any |
conflict. |
SECTION 13. Section 85.010(b), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) A political subdivision that holds an election |
described by Subsection (a) shall designate as an early voting |
polling place for the election any early voting polling place[,
other than a polling place established under Section 85.062(e),] |
established by the county and located in the political subdivision. |
SECTION 14. Section 85.062(a), Election Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) One [Except as provided by Subsection (d) or (e), one] |
or more early voting polling places other than the main early voting |
polling place shall [may] be established in each election precinct |
in the territory covered by the election by: |
(1) the commissioners court, for an election in which |
the county clerk is the early voting clerk; or |
(2) the governing body of the political subdivision |
served by the authority ordering the election, for an election in |
which a person other than the county clerk is the early voting |
clerk. |
SECTION 15. The following provisions of the Election Code |
are repealed: |
(1) Section 32.002(c-1); |
(2) Section 43.004(c); |
(3) Section 43.007; |
(4) Sections 85.001(b) and (e); |
(5) Section 85.003; |
(6) Sections 85.062(d) and (e); and |
(7) Section 85.066. |
SECTION 16. The changes in law made by this Act apply only |
to an election ordered on or after the effective date of this Act. |
An election ordered before the effective date of this Act is |
governed by the law in effect when the election was ordered, and the |
former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 17. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |