relating to the regulation of radioactive waste. |
SECTION 1. Sections 401.052(b), (d), (e), and (f), Health |
and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) Rules adopted under this section for [low-level] |
radioactive waste must: |
(1) to the extent practicable, be compatible with |
United States Department of Transportation and federal commission |
regulations relating to the transportation of [low-level] |
radioactive waste; |
(2) require each shipper and carrier of [low-level] |
radioactive waste to: |
(A) adopt an emergency plan approved by the |
department for responding to transportation accidents; and |
(B) provide notice of shipping to: |
(i) the department; and |
(ii) the local emergency planning committee |
for each county through which the waste will travel; |
(3) require the notification and reporting of |
accidents to the department and to local emergency planning |
committees in the county where the accident occurs; |
(4) require each shipper to adopt a quality control |
program approved by the department to verify that shipping |
containers are suitable for shipment to a licensed disposal |
facility; |
(5) assess a fee on shippers for shipments to a Texas |
[low-level] radioactive waste disposal or storage facility [of
low-level radioactive waste originating in Texas or out-of-state]; |
and |
(6) require a carrier to carry liability insurance in |
an amount the executive commissioner determines is sufficient to |
cover damages likely to be caused by a shipping accident in |
accordance with regulations imposed by the United States Department |
of Transportation and the federal commission. |
(d) Fees assessed under this section: |
(1) may provide additional revenue to support the |
activities of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal |
Compact Commission; |
(2) may be assessed in an amount determined by the |
commission as adequate to remediate a potential radiation release |
and related damages [not exceed $10 per cubic foot of shipped
low-level radioactive waste]; |
(3) shall be collected by the department and deposited |
to the credit of the perpetual care account; and |
(4) shall be used by the department for emergency |
planning for and response to transportation accidents involving |
[low-level] radioactive waste, including first responder training |
in counties through which transportation routes are designated in |
accordance with Subsection (a)[; and
[(5) may not be collected on waste disposed of at
a federal waste disposal facility]. |
(e) Money expended from the perpetual care account to |
respond to accidents involving [low-level] radioactive waste must |
be reimbursed to the perpetual care account by the responsible |
shipper or carrier according to rules adopted by the executive |
commissioner. |
(f) In this section, "shipper" means a person who generates |
[low-level] radioactive waste and ships or arranges with others to |
ship the waste to a disposal site. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter C, Chapter 401, Health and Safety |
Code, is amended by adding Section 401.0565 to read as follows: |
Sec. 401.0565. CONTINGENCY PLANS. After opportunity for |
public hearing and comment, the commission shall develop and adopt |
by rule a set of conditions that would trigger the enactment of a |
contingency plan. The contingency plan must include rules and |
procedures for addressing: |
(1) the financial impairment or failure of the holder |
of a license issued under this chapter; |
(2) the abandonment of a site or operation governed by |
this chapter; |
(3) failure to maintain the security or radiation-free |
status of a site licensed under this chapter; |
(4) an uncontrolled or inadequately controlled |
radiation release; and |
(5) threats to public health and safety arising from |
activity governed by this chapter. |
SECTION 3. The heading to Section 401.071, Health and |
Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 4. Section 401.071, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: |
(c) The commission shall develop standards for and ensure |
the implementation of biannual, independent inspections of a |
radioactive waste site. The commission shall contract for the |
inspections, the cost of which shall be paid by the license holder |
of the inspected facility. The commission shall choose a new |
third-party inspector at least every six years. The inspection |
shall: |
(1) verify waste volumes and curies in the facility; |
(2) monitor safety; |
(3) check for radiation releases on and off site; and |
(4) conduct financial audits to determine the adequacy |
of financial assurance held by the facility. |
SECTION 5. Section 401.108(a), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Before a license is issued or renewed by the commission, |
the applicant shall demonstrate to the commission that the |
applicant is financially qualified to conduct the licensed |
activity, including any required decontamination, decommissioning, |
reclamation, and disposal, by posting security acceptable to the |
commission. The commission shall adjust the amount of financial |
security to account for information received from the state |
auditor. |
SECTION 6. (a) The state auditor shall review: |
(1) the federal license application for consolidated |
interim storage of high-level radioactive waste in this state; and |
(2) proposals to expand the amount, volume, curies, or |
types of radioactive waste to be stored or disposed of in this |
state. |
(b) The state auditor shall analyze: |
(1) the potential cost, both with and without the |
inclusion of federal money, of remediating the worst-case scenario |
accident related to: |
(A) the transportation of radioactive waste; and |
(B) radiation releases at or near the waste site; |
(2) the potential economic and health effects of a |
radiation release to businesses and residents in communities near a |
site licensed under Chapter 401, Health and Safety Code, and along |
transportation routes for radioactive waste; and |
(3) any other matter the state auditor determines is |
relevant to a matter related to the review under Subsection (a) of |
this section. |
(c) The analysis under Subsection (b)(1) of this section |
must be based on: |
(1) studies of transportation accident costs prepared |
for the State of Nevada in regard to Yucca Mountain; and |
(2) costs incurred for the remediation of radiation at |
existing private and federal radioactive waste facilities. |
(d) Not later than December 1, 2020, the state auditor shall |
make available a report containing the results of the review and |
analysis required by this section. |
SECTION 7. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality |
may not approve a change to a license issued under Chapter 401, |
Health and Safety Code, that relates to the amount, volume, curies, |
or type of radioactive waste accepted by a facility in this state |
until the 30th day after the later of: |
(1) the date the report required by Section 6 of this |
Act is made available by the state auditor; or |
(2) the date by which the Texas Commission on |
Environmental Quality has: |
(A) completed the contingency plan required by |
Section 401.0565, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act; and |
(B) adjusted financial assurance requirements |
according to Section 401.108, Health and Safety Code, as amended by |
this Act. |
SECTION 8. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |