relating to the authorization by the Texas Commission on |
Environmental Quality of the discharge, diversion, and transfer or |
other reuse of treated brackish groundwater and return flows |
derived from treated brackish groundwater. |
SECTION 1. Section 11.042, Water Code, is amended by adding |
Subsection (b-1) to read as follows: |
(b-1) The commission shall grant an authorization to |
discharge water into a watercourse or stream and then subsequently |
divert and reuse the water, less carriage losses, if: |
(1) the water is treated brackish groundwater or |
return flows derived from treated brackish groundwater; and |
(2) the person is authorized under Chapter 26 to |
discharge the water into the watercourse or stream. |
SECTION 2. Section 11.085, Water Code, is amended by adding |
Subsection (u-1) and amending Subsection (v) to read as follows: |
(u-1) The commission shall grant a water right or an |
amendment to a permit, certified filing, or certificate of |
adjudication described by Subsection (a) to an applicant who |
proposes to divert treated brackish groundwater or return flows |
derived from treated brackish groundwater and transfer the water to |
another river basin, provided that the applicant has obtained |
authorization under Section 11.042(b-1) to discharge the water into |
a watercourse or stream in the basin of origin and then subsequently |
divert and reuse the water. |
(v) The provisions of this section, except Subsection (a), |
do not apply to: |
(1) a proposed transfer which in combination with any |
existing transfers totals less than 3,000 acre-feet of water per |
annum from the same permit, certified filing, or certificate of |
adjudication; |
(2) a request for an emergency transfer of water; |
(3) a proposed transfer from a basin to its adjoining |
coastal basin; |
(4) a proposed transfer from the part of the |
geographic area of a county or municipality, or the part of the |
retail service area of a retail public utility as defined by Section |
13.002, that is within the basin of origin for use in that part of |
the geographic area of the county or municipality, or that |
contiguous part of the retail service area of the utility, not |
within the basin of origin; [or] |
(5) a proposed transfer of water that is: |
(A) imported from a source located wholly outside |
the boundaries of this state, except water that is imported from a |
source located in the United Mexican States; |
(B) for use in this state; and |
(C) transported by using the bed and banks of any |
flowing natural stream located in this state; or |
(6) a proposed transfer of water described by |
Subsection (u-1). |
SECTION 3. The change in law made by this Act to Section |
11.042, Water Code, applies only to an application for an |
authorization to discharge and then subsequently divert and reuse |
treated brackish groundwater or return flows derived from treated |
brackish groundwater that is filed with the Texas Commission on |
Environmental Quality on or after the effective date of this Act. |
An application that is filed before the effective date of this Act |
is governed by the law as it existed immediately before the |
effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for |
that purpose. |
SECTION 4. The changes in law made by this Act to Section |
11.085, Water Code, apply only to an application for a water right |
or an amendment to a permit, certified filing, or certificate of |
adjudication authorizing an interbasin transfer of water that is |
filed with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on or |
after the effective date of this Act. An application that is filed |
before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law as it |
existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that |
law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |