86R14228 SMT-D
  By: Miles S.B. No. 2020
  relating to the use of certain health risk information; authorizing
  administrative penalties and other sanctions.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 5, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Chapter 564 to read as follows:
         Sec. 564.0001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Adverse action" means an action taken by a health
  benefit plan issuer with respect to an individual in connection
  with the administration of or underwriting for a health benefit
  plan that results in:
                     (A)  the denial of coverage for a particular
  benefit, treatment, service, supply, or drug;
                     (B)  the declination, cancellation, or nonrenewal
  of health benefit plan coverage; or
                     (C)  the restriction of coverage under a health
  benefit plan, including the application of particular deductible,
  coinsurance, or copayment requirements.
               (2)  "Enrollee" means an individual who is enrolled in
  a health benefit plan.
               (3)  "Health benefit plan" means a plan to which this
  chapter applies under Section 564.0002.
               (4)  "Health risk information" means any
  health-related information contained in a health risk report.
               (5)  "Health risk report" means the communication of
  information assembled or evaluated by a health risk reporting
  agency that relates to an individual's health, including the
                     (A)  use of benefits under a health benefit plan;
                     (B)  having received a specific diagnosis or
  having been the recipient of a particular health care treatment,
  service, or supply, or of a prescription for a particular drug.
               (6)  "Health risk reporting agency" means any person
  that regularly engages in the practice of assembling or evaluating
  health risk information for the purpose of providing health risk
  reports to third parties, without regard to whether the person
  receives compensation for providing the reports. The term does not
                     (A)  a health benefit plan issuer assembling
  information obtained as a result of providing benefits to a plan
  enrollee for the health benefit plan issuer's use in the
  administration of the health benefit plan; or
                     (B)  a physician, health care practitioner, or
  health care provider assembling information for the physician's,
  practitioner's, or provider's use, or for the use of a group
  practice to which the physician, practitioner, or provider belongs,
  in providing services to patients.
               (7)  "Health risk score" means a number or rating
  assigned to an individual and derived from an algorithm, computer
  application, model, or other process based on the individual's
  health risk information.
         Sec. 564.0002.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. (a) This chapter
  applies only to a health benefit plan that provides benefits for
  medical or surgical expenses incurred as a result of a health
  condition, accident, or sickness, including an individual, group,
  blanket, or franchise insurance policy or insurance agreement, a
  group hospital service contract, or an individual or group evidence
  of coverage or similar coverage document that is offered by:
               (1)  an insurance company;
               (2)  a group hospital service corporation operating
  under Chapter 842;
               (3)  a health maintenance organization operating under
  Chapter 843;
               (4)  an approved nonprofit health corporation that
  holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 844;
               (5)  a multiple employer welfare arrangement that holds
  a certificate of authority under Chapter 846;
               (6)  a stipulated premium company operating under
  Chapter 884;
               (7)  a fraternal benefit society operating under
  Chapter 885;
               (8)  a Lloyd's plan operating under Chapter 941; or
               (9)  an exchange operating under Chapter 942.
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, this chapter applies to:
               (1)  a small employer health benefit plan subject to
  Chapter 1501, including coverage provided through a health group
  cooperative under Subchapter B of that chapter;
               (2)  a standard health benefit plan issued under
  Chapter 1507;
               (3)  a basic coverage plan under Chapter 1551;
               (4)  a basic plan under Chapter 1575;
               (5)  a primary care coverage plan under Chapter 1579;
               (6)  a plan providing basic coverage under Chapter
               (7)  health benefits provided by or through a church
  benefits board under Subchapter I, Chapter 22, Business
  Organizations Code;
               (8)  group health coverage made available by a school
  district in accordance with Section 22.004, Education Code;
               (9)  the state Medicaid program, including the Medicaid
  managed care program operated under Chapter 533, Government Code;
               (10)  the child health plan program under Chapter 62,
  Health and Safety Code;
               (11)  a regional or local health care program operated
  under Section 75.104, Health and Safety Code;
               (12)  a self-funded health benefit plan sponsored by a
  professional employer organization under Chapter 91, Labor Code;
               (13)  county employee group health benefits provided
  under Chapter 157, Local Government Code; and
               (14)  health and accident coverage provided by a risk
  pool created under Chapter 172, Local Government Code.
         (c)  This chapter applies to coverage under a group health
  benefit plan provided to a resident of this state regardless of
  whether the group policy, agreement, or contract is delivered,
  issued for delivery, or renewed in this state.
         Sec. 564.0003.  RULES.  The commissioner may adopt rules
  necessary to implement this chapter.
  (a)  A health benefit plan issuer may not take an adverse action
  with respect to an enrollee or prospective enrollee that is based on
  the individual's health risk score or any health risk information
  derived from a health risk report.
         (b)  A health benefit plan issuer may not share an
  individual's health risk score, health risk report, or any health
  risk information derived from a health risk report with any other
  person or entity, including a network provider or preferred
         Sec. 564.0005.  DISCLOSURE TO ENROLLEE. On request of an
  enrollee, a health benefit plan issuer shall provide to the
  enrollee, at no cost to the enrollee, any health risk score, health
  risk report, or health risk information in the possession of the
  health benefit plan issuer that relates to the enrollee.
         Sec. 564.0006.  VIOLATION. A health benefit plan issuer
  that violates this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter
  commits an unfair practice in violation of Chapter 541 and is
  subject to administrative penalties and other sanctions under
  Chapter 82.
         SECTION 2.  Subtitle A, Title 3, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 116 to read as follows:
         Sec. 116.0001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Health care practitioner" means an individual
  licensed, certified, or registered under this title.
               (2)  "Health risk information," "health risk report,"
  and "health risk score" have the meanings assigned by Section
  564.0001, Insurance Code.
  A health care practitioner may not make a diagnosis or treatment
  decision, including a decision to prescribe a particular drug,
  based on an individual's health risk score or any health risk
  information derived from a health risk report.
         Sec. 116.0003.  DISCLOSURE REQUIRED. On request, a health
  care practitioner shall provide to an individual to whom the
  practitioner is providing services, at no cost to the individual,
  any health risk score, health risk report, or health risk
  information in the possession of the health care practitioner that
  relates to the individual.
         Sec. 116.0004.  DISCIPLINARY ACTION. A violation of Section
  116.0002 or 116.0003 is grounds for disciplinary action by the
  regulatory agency that issued a license, certification, or
  registration to the health care practitioner who committed the
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2019.