relating to the operations of the Texas Crime Stoppers Council and |
crime stoppers organizations. |
SECTION 1. Section 414.001, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subdivision (2) and adding Subdivisions (3), (4), and (5) |
to read as follows: |
(2) "Crime stoppers organization" means: |
(A) a private, nonprofit organization that is |
operated on a local or statewide level, that accepts [and expends] |
donations and expends funds for rewards to persons who report to the |
organization public safety tips [information about criminal
activity] and that forwards the information to the appropriate law |
enforcement agency, school district, or open-enrollment charter |
school; or |
(B) a public organization that is operated on a |
local or statewide level, that pays rewards to persons who report to |
the organization public safety tips [information about criminal
activity], and that forwards the information to the appropriate law |
enforcement agency, school district, or open-enrollment charter |
school. |
(3) "Open-enrollment charter school" means a school |
that has been granted a charter under Subchapter D, Chapter 12, |
Education Code. |
(4) "School district" means a public school district |
created under the laws of this state. |
(5) "Public safety tip" means a report submitted to |
the council, a crime stoppers organization, or a person accepting |
the information on behalf of the council or crime stoppers |
organization regarding criminal activity, conduct or threatened |
conduct that constitutes a danger to public safety or an |
individual, conduct or threatened conduct that would disrupt the |
efficient and effective operations of a school district or |
open-enrollment charter school, or other activity of interest to |
law enforcement agencies, school districts, or open-enrollment |
charter schools, including truancy and school rule violations. |
SECTION 2. Section 414.005, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 414.005. DUTIES. The council shall: |
(1) encourage, advise, and assist in the creation of |
crime stoppers organizations; |
(2) foster the detection of crime and encourage |
persons to report public safety tips [information about criminal
acts]; |
(3) encourage news and other media to [broadcast
reenactments and to] inform the public of the functions of crime |
stoppers organizations' operations and programs; |
(4) promote the process of crime stoppers |
organizations to forward public safety tips [information about
criminal acts] to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, school |
districts, and open-enrollment charter schools; |
(5) help law enforcement agencies detect and combat |
crime by increasing the flow of information to and between law |
enforcement agencies; |
(6) create specialized programs targeted at detecting |
specific crimes or types of crimes identified as priorities by the |
council, including at least one program that: |
(A) encourages individuals to report sex |
offenders who have failed to register under Chapter 62, Code of |
Criminal Procedure; |
(B) encourages individuals to report criminal |
activity relating to the trafficking of persons, as described under |
Chapter 20A, Penal Code; and |
(C) financially rewards each individual who |
makes a report described by Paragraph (A) or (B) that leads or |
substantially contributes to the arrest or apprehension: |
(i) of a sex offender who has failed to |
register under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure; or |
(ii) of a person suspected of engaging in |
conduct that constitutes an offense under Chapter 20A, Penal Code; |
[and] |
(7) encourage, advise, and assist crime stoppers |
organizations in implementing any programs created under |
Subdivision (6), including a program specifically described by |
Subdivision (6); and |
(8) encourage, advise, and assist in the creation of |
campus-based crime stoppers organizations to address criminal |
activity, conduct or threatened conduct that constitutes a danger |
to public safety or an individual, conduct or threatened conduct |
that would disrupt the efficient and effective operations of a |
school district or open-enrollment charter school, or other |
activity of interest to law enforcement agencies, school districts, |
or open-enrollment charter schools, including truancy and school |
rule violations. |
SECTION 3. Section 414.007, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
RECORDS. A record of the council, a crime stoppers organization, a |
law enforcement agency, a school district, or an open-enrollment |
charter school relating to a public safety tip, including the |
identity of the person who made the report, is [Council records
relating to reports of criminal acts are] confidential and is not |
subject to disclosure under Chapter 552. |
SECTION 4. Sections 414.008(a), (b), and (e), Government |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as otherwise provided by this section, evidence |
of a public safety tip [a communication between a person submitting
a report of a criminal act to the council or a crime stoppers
organization and the person who accepted the report on behalf of the
council or organization] is not admissible in a court or an |
administrative proceeding. |
(b) A record [Records] of the council, [or] a crime stoppers |
organization, a law enforcement agency, a school district, or an |
open-enrollment charter school concerning a public safety tip [a
report of criminal activity] may not be compelled to be produced |
before a court or other tribunal except on a motion: |
(1) filed in a criminal trial court by a defendant who |
alleges that the record [records] or report contains evidence that |
is exculpatory to the defendant in the trial of that offense; or |
(2) filed in a civil case by a plaintiff who alleges |
that denial of access to the record [the records] concerning the |
public safety tip [report of criminal activity] abrogates any part |
of a cognizable common law cause of action, if the plaintiff |
alleging abrogation: |
(A) was charged with or convicted of a criminal |
offense based at least partially on the report and the charges were |
dismissed, the plaintiff was acquitted, or the conviction was |
overturned, as applicable; and |
(B) in the motion establishes a prima facie case |
that the plaintiff's abrogated claim is based on injuries from the |
criminal charge or conviction caused by the wrongful acts of |
another performed in connection with the report. |
(e) The court shall return to the council, [or] crime |
stoppers organization, law enforcement agency, school district, or |
open-enrollment charter school the materials that are produced |
under this section but not disclosed to the movant. The council, |
[or] crime stoppers organization, law enforcement agency, school |
district, or open-enrollment charter school shall store the |
materials at least until the first anniversary of the following |
appropriate date: |
(1) the date of expiration of the time for all direct |
appeals in a criminal case; or |
(2) the date a plaintiff's right to appeal in a civil |
case is exhausted. |
SECTION 5. Section 414.009(a), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) A person who is a member or employee of the council, a |
crime stoppers organization, a law enforcement agency, a school |
district, or an open-enrollment charter school, or who receives a |
public safety tip from or [who accepts a report of criminal
activity] on behalf of the council or a crime stoppers |
organization, commits an offense if the person intentionally or |
knowingly discloses [divulges] to a person not a member of or |
employed by the council, a crime stoppers organization, a law |
enforcement agency, a school district, or an open-enrollment |
charter school the [content of a report of a criminal act or the] |
identity of a [the] person who made a public safety tip or the |
content of a public safety tip [the report] without the consent of |
the person who made the report, unless: |
(1) the person disclosing the information has received |
authorization from the chief executive of the originating crime |
stoppers organization, who has reasonably determined that failing |
to disclose the identity of a person who made the report creates a |
probability of imminent physical injury to another; or |
(2) the disclosure is otherwise required by law or |
court order. |
SECTION 6. Sections 414.010(a) and (d), Government Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (d), a crime stoppers |
organization certified by the council to receive money in the form |
of payments from defendants placed on community supervision under |
Chapter 42A, Code of Criminal Procedure, or money in the form of |
repayments of rewards under Articles 37.073 and 42.152, Code of |
Criminal Procedure, may transfer [use] not more than 20 percent of |
the money [annually] received during each calendar year to accounts |
used to pay costs incurred in administering the organization and |
shall use the remainder of the money, including any interest earned |
on the money, only for the payment of rewards to [reward] persons |
who report public safety tips [information concerning criminal
activity]. Not later than January 31 of each year, a crime stoppers |
organization that receives or expends money under this section |
shall file a detailed report with the council. |
(d) If the amount of funds accumulated [received] by a crime |
stoppers organization under this section exceeds [three times] the |
total amount of [funds that the organization uses to pay] rewards |
paid by the organization during [a fiscal year based on the average
amount of funds used to pay rewards during each of] the preceding |
three fiscal years, the organization may deposit the excess amount |
of funds in a separate [interest-bearing] account to be used by the |
organization for crime solving and crime prevention [law
enforcement] purposes of the organization [relating to crime
stoppers or juvenile justice], including intervention, |
apprehension, and adjudication. An organization that deposits |
excess funds in an account as provided by this subsection may use |
any interest earned on the funds to pay costs incurred in |
administering the organization. |
SECTION 7. Section 414.012, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
council shall establish a free statewide telephone service and |
other appropriate systems to allow public safety tips [information
about criminal acts] to be reported to the council and shall make |
the telephone service and other reporting systems accessible at all |
times to persons residing in areas of the state not served by a |
crime stoppers organization. The council shall forward any [the] |
information it receives [received] to appropriate law enforcement |
agencies or crime stoppers organization. |
SECTION 8. Section 414.013, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 414.013. IMMUNITY FROM CIVIL LIABILITY. (a) A person |
who communicates to the council or a crime stoppers organization a |
public safety tip [a report of criminal activity that leads to the
arrest of, the filing of charges against, or the conviction of a
person for a criminal offense] is immune from civil liability for |
damages resulting from the communication unless the communication |
was intentionally, wilfully, or wantonly negligent or done with |
conscious indifference or reckless disregard for the safety of |
others. |
(b) A person who in the course and scope of the person's |
duties or functions receives, forwards, or acts on a public safety |
tip [a report of criminal activity] communicated to the council or a |
crime stoppers organization is immune from civil liability for |
damages resulting from an act or omission in the performance of the |
person's duties or functions unless the act or omission was |
intentionally, wilfully, or wantonly negligent or done with |
conscious indifference or reckless disregard for the safety of |
others. |
SECTION 9. Section 351.901(a), Local Government Code, is |
amended by amending Subdivision (1) and adding Subdivisions (3) and |
(4) to read as follows: |
(1) "Crime stoppers organization" means a private, |
nonprofit organization or a public organization that: |
(A) is operated on a local or statewide level; |
(B) accepts [and expends] donations and expends |
funds for rewards to persons who report to the organization |
information about criminal activity, conduct or threatened conduct |
that constitutes a danger to public safety or an individual, |
conduct or threatened conduct that would disrupt the efficient and |
effective operations of a school district or open-enrollment |
charter school, or other activity of interest to law enforcement |
agencies, school districts, or open-enrollment charter schools, |
including truancy and school rule violations; and |
(C) forwards the information to the appropriate |
law enforcement agency, school district, or open-enrollment |
charter school. |
(3) "Open-enrollment charter school" means a school |
that has been granted a charter under Subchapter D, Chapter 12, |
Education Code. |
(4) "School district" means a public school district |
created under the laws of this state. |
SECTION 10. This Act takes effect September 1, 2019. |